Ok...I confess I have been on "Seattle Sutton" for the last 6 weeks!!!! Have I lost any weight? well, yes, 8 lbs. I think I could continue on SS for a very long time, however, it is quite pricey and I still have to feed Gary!!!! When our economy went to pot, I quit...... Now I will have to struggle to keep off the 8 lbs. and perhaps lose more.
I have been struggling with my breathing the last week or so, but I think it is is in the air and this warm weather is just not right for this time of the year. I have the air on...but today it has finally cooled down. Vida and I walked our usual 2 miles and it seemed nice outside.
Max was here yesterday, but you hardly know that he is around, pretty quiet and does not require a lot of attention. Margie looked very sick when she came to pick him up. I hope she is feeling better today and does not go to karate for a while.
Gary got an email from Tim saying they would arrive on Fri. about 1:00 p.m. I still don't know what the plans are for the week-end, but I have put it out of my mind. It is what it is!!! I think we will shop for birthday gifts for the twins this p.m. I have a dentist appt. before that. We have a star meeting tonight. Thurs Dixie, Carol, Sandra and I are going to Naperville on the train.
Gary is finishing his ferris wheel...he wants to display it in his room on the coffee table. Sure hope the twins don't get near it. There are lots and lots of hours on the ferris wheel.
We seldom see Jake and Olivia any more....I guess they are too busy. Maggie and Jane are busy also. Everybody is busy!!!
Later Gator,
p.s. Gary's mom is having 24 hour care since she fell in the closet. I think she likes the attention.