31 October 2008


We have had some little trick or treaters, but not too many.   Jake and Livie were here this p.m.  Very cute as Darth Vader and Cat girl. 

We have been busy this week and I think Vida and I have walked every day this week!!!    Yah!!

I had lunch with Julie Wells this p.m.  She is the most spiritual person that I know.   I don't agree with her on all subjects, but  that's ok, I still like and respect her. 

Tomorrow I will help with a funeral service for a E.S. member. 

Well, I need to write the checks and pay the bills. 

Later Gator, 


25 October 2008

Margie's birthday

How I remember the morning Margie was born.   I remember apologizing to the Dr. for getting him up so early.   She was born at 4:15 a.m.  Margie's dad insisted we not go to the hospital until after midnight so we did not have to pay for another day, and then he begged the Dr. to keep me one more day in the hospital so he could go to the football game.  Just a small rut in the road in the journey of life and I am sure he would be sorry today. 

So many things have changed since 42 years ago.   My mom and dad were still here, we were living in Geneseo, I did not know then that I would spend 18 years working at John Deere and I would have 2 more husbands.   I am so grateful every day that I am where I am today.  I still have things to learn, but I am as happy as one could be on this earth.  I have 3 really great kids...who who are so smart and well adjusted in spite of all the trials they had to live through.  I would have done better if I had known better.  Enough reminiscing...... 

Gary has taken his mom to the beauty shop....you know you have a keeper when he is nice to his Mom.   He is really looking so good.....we went to the diabetic Dr. last week and he lost another 5 lbs.  I don't know why it bothers me so much that he is the same weight as me, but it does.   He tries to assure me by saying "I can still get my arms around you".....Oh what to do!!!!  

I am finally over my cold and now Max is sick.   We missed his piano recital last night.  What a talented boy.  Thanks to his mom and dad that they expose him to much intellect.

We voted yesterday early....at the court house and still had to wait in line.   We each voted secretly and coming home we found out that we voted for exactly the same people.  You know how that saying goes.  We are beginning to be more alike than different. Of course, most of the candidates did not have anyone opposing them!!!  

Later Gator, 

Much love to Margie on her special day. 


21 October 2008

one week later

My breathing was not the warm weather or my asthma.   I have a really bad cold and had to cancel everything on my list this week.  (mostly drs. and dentists)   I feel a little better today and will rest until Friday as I want to go to Max's piano recital and then Margie's birthday on Sat.  

I have been thinking a lot about Dan, as he had surgery yesterday to remove some moles that looked suspicious.  It is always a worry when you have to wait to hear the results.  We will pray that everything will be okay and it will be a warning to take better care, if needed. We all take for granted everyday that when we get up that we will feel good and be healthy.  

Tim and Fumie left on Mon.  The twins are really cute, but you need lots of energy to keep up with them.  I think I need to ask the Dr. for some holiday pills......one day at a time.  

I have not heard from Von Maur about the Christmas wrapping job, but I am having second thoughts about it anyway.  It may be for the best, not sure if I could keep up with everything else that I have on my plate.  

We really need to get new carpet in the living room, but have not seen how hard we were hit on our 401k.  Gary is ready, but now I am holding back.  Oh what to do or not to do and does it really matter????

Wishing you well and can't wait to see you on Sat.  I miss you all. 



14 October 2008

The Dieter's Dairy

Ok...I confess I have been on "Seattle Sutton" for the last 6 weeks!!!!   Have I lost any weight?   well, yes, 8 lbs.  I think I could continue on SS for a very long time, however, it is quite pricey and I still have to feed Gary!!!!   When our economy went to pot, I quit......   Now I will have to struggle to keep off the 8 lbs. and perhaps lose more. 

I have been struggling with my breathing the last week or so, but I think it is is in the air and this warm weather is just not right for this time of the year.   I have the air on...but today it has finally cooled down.  Vida and I walked our usual 2 miles and it seemed nice outside.  

Max was here yesterday, but you hardly know that he is around,  pretty quiet and does not require a lot of attention.  Margie looked very sick when she came to pick him up.  I hope she is feeling better today and does not go to karate for a while. 

Gary got an email from Tim saying they would arrive on Fri. about 1:00 p.m. I still don't know what the plans are for the week-end, but I have put it out of my mind.  It is what it is!!!   I think we will shop for birthday gifts for the twins this p.m. I have a dentist appt. before that.  We have a star meeting tonight.  Thurs Dixie, Carol, Sandra and I are going to Naperville on the train. 

Gary is finishing his ferris wheel...he wants to display it in his room on the coffee table.  Sure hope the twins don't get near it.  There are lots and lots of hours on the ferris wheel.  

We seldom see Jake and Olivia any more....I guess they are too busy.  Maggie and Jane are busy also.   Everybody is busy!!!

Later Gator, 


p.s.   Gary's mom is having 24 hour care since she fell in the closet.  I think she likes the attention.  

10 October 2008

It is Friday already!!!

You can tell it is homecoming....someone in the neighborhood got teeped last night and Cole across the street says he has a date for tomorrow night for the dance.  He goes to Alleman.  We love Cole...he has sort of grown up since we moved here 14 years ago.   He is such a "guy"with braces on his teeth and plays football.  He takes his little twin brother and sister who are in first grade to school everyday.  Vida and I talk with everyone going to work in the neighborhood when we return from our walk each day. 

It is another beautiful day and I think Gary and I will go to Spoon River tomorrow.   I hope I can get some bittersweet.  I have a passion for it this year.  

Gary just came home from work and wants to go to Branson on the bus....wonderful...I am ready to anywhere.  He is funny....we talk about not having any $ and then he starts talking about putting in a new furnace, Branson, etc......ok it is still just talk.  Next week I am  going to Naperville with the girls.  Dixie really wanted me to come the day before and stay overnight with her, but Gary wants to take me out.  Oh I am so in demand.  I have not heard from V.Maur, but perhaps that is a good sign that I should not take on this job.  

I made my Christmas list out today, to be revised of course, but it is not too early to be thinking about Christmas.  

Is Beth the only person who reads my blog????  Thanks Beth.   I think Scott sometimes prints it for Margie to read.  

Since we are not having Margie's b.party until Sun.  I wonder if we should go to lunch on Sat....girls only?????  We are invited to a Halloween party Sat. night now that the party has changed. 

I am working in the basement today.....Tim and Tom coming next week-end.  

Later Gator, 


09 October 2008

Beautiful fall weather

Monday we made a quick trip to Springfield.   I have another formal!!!   Enough of that.  Tues it rained all day and I think I did a few errands.  Margie has been at work cleaning the house for now going on 3 days!!   Does not matter in the least just a little LOL.  Chris called this a.m.  Wed. we went back to Springfield as a favor to another lady.  We really did have a nice time and home at a reasonable hour.  Today...went really fast....I need to do laundry and stay home, but I went shopping and lunch with Dixie and Carol.  Tomorrow is Friday all ready.  It has been 1 week since Gary's mom fell in the closet.   I hope she will be able to bounce back.  She is 95 and it seems like she is just a fall away all the time. 

It is a busy month and just grateful to be well enough to enjoy this lovely fall weather.  I am concerned about $, but who isn't????  We will all have to tighten our belts a little. 

Love always, 


p.s.   I hope Jane and Maggie have their $ in CDs.

02 October 2008

Red Hat Day

A most enjoyable p.m.   Lunch at Granite City and then to the movie with the girls.  We saw 
"Women".  There were lines in that movie that any woman could relate to in her life.  The husband was going out with the bombshell and the wife's mother said something that I could relate to.....that you will never be hurt like that again.   There are few things that are just once in a lifetime...that is one.   Enough about that....

I walked 2 miles this a.m. and that is about it for today.   I want to watch the debates tonight...Pallin and Biden.  

Gary's family is sometimes confusing to me.  Tom called this p.m. and I could not get a straight answer out of him??????  Melissa won't return my call.  Fumie won't answer my email.  Maybe I am too scheduled, but I really do have a busy life too.     Okay....there are no plans...just do whatever I guess when they arrive. It is what it is.....I can do it for Gary.  He does a lot for my kids and I appreciate it so much....so I can conform somewhat to hither dither plans.....I don't like it , but I can do it.  

Last Fri. with Beth and Margie was quite remarkable....I really good day.   If you remember I ordered the powder blue blouse from Nordstroms, but I really wanted ivory.  Guess what came in the mail today????   I think it was a reminder of everything just going along so well.   Powder is really Powder color!!!!   not powder blue as the salesperson told me.   Horray!!!  

Pauline was at the luncheon today and gave me a hug, but no words.....

Until later, 


p.s.   Shopping after the movie and I DID NOT buy anything!!!!!

01 October 2008

first day of October

I did not join the this session of y classes as I thought I may be too busy.  

I went to the beauty shop today and had my hair cut and colored.  I met a man there who is quite active in PFLAG.  His boy is being married in CA. next month.   Quite interesting, however, Gary has no interest in going to the meetings and they meet in IA so I guess I won't be attending.  

I did some shopping for Gary and then home.  Cool and comfy today.   I broke down and put the electric blanket back on the bed.  I am opposed to wearing slippers to bed!!!  

Gary and I sat on the porch and had a cup of hot choc. early this evening.  

It has been a good day....waiting for the bail out vote. 

