10 October 2008

It is Friday already!!!

You can tell it is homecoming....someone in the neighborhood got teeped last night and Cole across the street says he has a date for tomorrow night for the dance.  He goes to Alleman.  We love Cole...he has sort of grown up since we moved here 14 years ago.   He is such a "guy"with braces on his teeth and plays football.  He takes his little twin brother and sister who are in first grade to school everyday.  Vida and I talk with everyone going to work in the neighborhood when we return from our walk each day. 

It is another beautiful day and I think Gary and I will go to Spoon River tomorrow.   I hope I can get some bittersweet.  I have a passion for it this year.  

Gary just came home from work and wants to go to Branson on the bus....wonderful...I am ready to anywhere.  He is funny....we talk about not having any $ and then he starts talking about putting in a new furnace, Branson, etc......ok it is still just talk.  Next week I am  going to Naperville with the girls.  Dixie really wanted me to come the day before and stay overnight with her, but Gary wants to take me out.  Oh I am so in demand.  I have not heard from V.Maur, but perhaps that is a good sign that I should not take on this job.  

I made my Christmas list out today, to be revised of course, but it is not too early to be thinking about Christmas.  

Is Beth the only person who reads my blog????  Thanks Beth.   I think Scott sometimes prints it for Margie to read.  

Since we are not having Margie's b.party until Sun.  I wonder if we should go to lunch on Sat....girls only?????  We are invited to a Halloween party Sat. night now that the party has changed. 

I am working in the basement today.....Tim and Tom coming next week-end.  

Later Gator, 


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