16 November 2008

That time of year again!!!!

Wow....I feel like the cat on the hot tin roof....too much to wrap around my little brain.  Gary has been home now for a month and it seems like just a day or two.  We are constantly busy with one thing or another.  We are finally through with all the fall birthdays, but must start on Christmas soon as this is a big job when you consider our combined families.  

Gary's Mom turned 95 last week and passed her drivers test.  What a gutsy woman.  I would have wimped out long ago.  

We had our cousin's luncheon at Dixie's last week.   It is really nice to hear all the memories of the past and how we all seem to have a basic mid-western value system that must just come with the territory.  

Max had his 10th birthday yesterday...seems like yesterday that he was born.  Time goes by so quickly.  

Today we had lunch with some members of the church at a Mexican restaurant.  It was fun and Jake talked me into another web-can.  Gary was NOT happy, but look at that face....they are soooo cute.  They are only little once.   Soon they will grow up and not want to spend a Sun. p.m. with Grandma and Grandpa. 

We have another busy week ahead.  Walking with Vida tomorrow....I hope my knee will hold up.  All fall we have been walking 2 miles every day and then yesterday when Gary and I were walking at the Y....it just gave out on me.  Maybe I let it rest too long.   Who knows, but I need the exercise and will wear my support.   I have too much to do to have a bum knee.  I surely hope I can escape having to have a knee replacement like all people my age are doing. 

We have an important meeting at OES tomorrow night.  Tues. I have a dentist appt.  I can't remember Wed without looking at the calendar, but on Thurs. I have bridge club here with lunch served.  Now we are up to the week-end again.  The best time of the day is reading the paper and drinking coffee early in the a.m. and we actually are in the same room. 

Life is good and always grateful to have a nice warm house to live in and a dry bed to sleep in every night. Always grateful for Gary...he is my rock and tells me "everything will be okay".  

My love, 

Mom,wife, sister, grandma, and always a friend  

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