26 September 2009

Changing Times

It has been a long time since I have written in my blog. It seems like the right thing to do now. Beth was living with us from Mar until Aug. and is now in her own apartment. We miss being the 3 peas in a pod, however, it is the best for her and her future.

Jane and Maggie have since moved into their own apartment. Maggie now has a full time job and Jane is back in school without her braces. I am proud of all their accomplishments.

Vida and I are still walking about 2 miles if it doesn't rain. Gary's Mom moved to assisted living and Gary and family have been busy with an estate sale and the sale of the condo which just sold yesterday.

I am getting older, but still in fairly good condition. Gary reminds me that I am not so sharp any more...or maybe I never was. I am sort of in a down mood right now..not sure why...but this too shall pass.

We have a busy Oct. coming up with Grand Chapter and many other things. I am disappointed that we were not able to get seats on the bus to go to the Smokey Mts. Snooze you lose.

Today I am having coffee at Panera's with Beth and Jane. I will earnestly try to listen more and talk less today.

Until later

30 March 2009

Monday after the storm

I deleted everything I wrote this a.m.....better write later when I feel better.   Attitude has everything to do with it. 

Later, Later,......

18 March 2009

Jane leaves

Gary is home today and Jane and Maggie are gone.  It is a sad day, but nothing stays the same.  Jane may move into the dorm on campus.   I am wishing for this to be true..... 

I just can't think of what to say today....maybe more tomorrow.   GAry and I are going to the Mall to get me a new phone and return a sweater to V.M.  


Patsy Montana 

17 March 2009

St Patrick's Day

The sun is finally shinning and  I am waiting for the appriser to come to apprise our house.  Jane is still sleeping downstairs...I wonder if he will want to see the basement???  I have been walking, been to WW and we will go to see Dr. Mac this p.m.  The days are busy, but somehow I feel sad today.  Perhaps I feel a little insecure with Gary being gone so much........oh well...we are at a really tense time in our lives and this too shall pass.  

I wonder if he will remember that it is our 15th anniv?????  Does it really matter???  I did say all I wanted was to be healthy and happy.   

Jane thought it was funny when I told her about my trip to Wal Mart yesterday.   I am such a wimp!!!   

I better get busy and pick up before he comes....

Let go and Let God

Patty Ann 

St Patricks

15 March 2009

It's been a long long time......

Hi to everyone, 

Life is different than when I last posted on this site.   We now have some additions to our family.  There have been some sacrifices, but who really needs 3 closets full of clothes????  We just want to be there for our family.  If you don't have family...who do you have????  I will keep you posted on the day to day basis.  We all eat at different times and someone is coming or going all the time.  I think everyone has adapted quite well, considering....we have been here alone for so long. 

Jane and I are going to dinner tonight and then to the movie....slumdog millionaire.  

The weather has finally liveable at about 65 deg.   Horray.  

I am still working on the class reunion and have about 7 or 8 people signed up for June.  

I better get ready to leave....later gator, 


03 February 2009

Is it spring yet????/

I have been sick for the last 2 weeks and I am really getting tired of this.  Right now I just want to get healthy.  It is so hard to make changes and I realize that I need to get a different Dr. and make some changes to my health care.  I will work on that today.  The clinic is soooo handy, but really not very effective.  

Gary has gone to work and all I can think about it getting out of here next winter.   This has been the worst winter that I can remember.  

The pest guy comes today, so I better at least get dressed.  I have not been outside the house in 2 weeks!!!  Tomorrow I have a dentist appt. and need to return a few things at N.Park.  Fri. I have a hair appt.   I will try to do just one thing a day so I don't overload.  Margie thinks I try to do too much (for my age).....have you seen her schedule lately?????

While in AZ I read the "the Reader" and also saw the movie.....excellent!!!   I have also read the Christmas Train, but no matter how I try....I can't seem to move with the "Shack".  It is hard for me to get into the spiritual world....it just doesn't seem real to me.   Maybe that is why I never cared much for fantasy either.  

Happy Anniversary to Margie and Scott......I wish them well and lots of prosperity.  It is their time and they deserve....

Lots of good luck in conjunction with  well educated minds.  



16 January 2009


I probably will not write again until we return from AZ.  It is an amazing minus 29 degrees today. I don't remember it being this cold since Margie's wedding in 1996!!!   Yesterday I went to Geneseo to my one an only bridge club and  the temp was -15!!!!  I was the only car on the road going out. We had a fun time, as we are all the same age and brought up mostly the same.   We can vent our feelings, talk about our hair loss and our weight gain and have no critics.  

I have packed and unpacked and repacked and this is it....37 lbs with everything in the suitcase. 

I hope that Gary's mom will not find out that I am out of town, as she worries about Gary.  I think he will be fine.   No school to day or yesterday. Gary is at work.  

More when we return....



14 January 2009


More snow and more snow.....Vern has been here so much that I can actually repeat word for word of Gary complaining...oh well, could be worse. 

Margie was here yesterday cleaning.....her brothers and sisters should take note that she is a great advocate for the "right thing" to do and is not afraid to fight for it.   She loves those little kids and fights for their rights....just like she would fight for your rights!!!   I am proud of her....she was just born with that spirit in her.  

I have a Dr. appt today...it is very cold, but colder tomorrow when I go to Geneseo.   Our club was cancelled once before so I am sure they will have it.  Okay so it is zero...as long as your car performs...I guess it won't be too bad. 

Chris is going to Amsterdam!!!   Wow, I will never forget that trip that I took in 2005.   It was the greatest.  I missed a lot, but I also saw a lot.   I thought Amsterdam was quaint and is that where we went to the Monet gardens??? Dixie bought neat prints that she has hanging in her house from the Van Gogh museum.  

Three days until Az.  I can't wait for the 70's.  This has been the worst winter so far. 



10 January 2009


I really do not have anything to say today...except...Jane and I had fun shopping and lunching at "Noodles".  

It is snowing snowing snowing.....I have a ton of things to do before next Sun.  

Yesterday we went to Cousin Bill's visitation in Geneseo and then to O'Melias for dinner last night with Star friends. 



07 January 2009


Gary started his prep for this colonoscopy  for tomorrow.   Yike!!!!   

I started my yoga class today.   I was not able to do all the moves, but not to bad.   At least, I am not hurting.  I went shopping for Gary's fast after the Y. 

I did get my nap in today and Val woke me up after an hour or so...

I emailed Darla and asked her to pick Beth and I up at the airport.  I have been doing some rethinking about my packing for the trip....I ditched the sandals and cropped pants for long sleeved t-shirted and sweaters.  It will not be much over 70 degrees in AZ. in Jan. 

My cousin Bill Rice passed away today.....they are leaving one by one......the circle of life... 



06 January 2009


I forgot to mention that I was called for jury duty when Beth and I are in Az.   I wrote back asking to be excused and then today I got the okay...Whew!!!   

I went to the N. Pract. today about my core sores....she said I was the 3rd person this week that she had seen about this.   To make a long story short....the med.   (with ins) cost $70.00 Yikes!!!!    It was just a little tube.   I think I need to make a trip to Mexico.  

Darla called today to make sure we were still coming to see her.  I was not at home, but Gary said it sure looks like it from the looks of the spare room with clothes all over the bed and a suitcase opened.  I sent her the schedule yesterday via email. 

We are soon to leave for the grocery.....Gary's mom needs food and we need a few things also.  I still do not have a good feeling about her, but it is Gary's mom.  We are just such different personalities.  I just have to remember my mom and how she was with Pauline and me.  Pauline had all those kids and could put on a dinner for the thrashers and still be a beauty queen, but my Mom always made me feel equal no matter what.  The older I get the more I realize how much insight my Mom had and she only went through the 8th grade.  There is a lot to be said about "horse sense".   Some people have it....some don't.  

Well, it has been a wonderful day so far...except Gary did not fix the toilet.  Tomorrow  for sure.  
Love and hugs, 

Patty Ann 

05 January 2009

Monday Morning

I was up at 6 and walking at 7.   Wow I am tired.   It was another busy day.  We went to Dick's sporting goods and returned Gary's pants, then on to Dillards to buy new ones.  Then we had an appt with Dr. Mac at 3:30.  

It is now 8:30 and I am ready for bed.   No walking tomorrow...I have a dr. appt. about my cold sore on my lip.  

Wed.  we start yoga class.  

Nothing much accomplished today except I have all my clothes ready for packing.  I hope it will not be too heavy.   Do you think 4 pair of black shoes are too many?   Sandals, slides, loafers, and tennis shoes.  

Maybe I will have more to say tomorrow......I am mad that the water in my toilet is murky, but I am grateful that I have an inside toilet!!!!  

Life is good



04 January 2009


Well, this should we interesting, as I am not at the desk...actually watching password and blogging.  

We took Gary's mom to church with us today, although she does not like going to Elim. It is either too cold...seats aren't right etc. etc.  I don't feel that she likes me very much, but it is a little too late now to worry about it.  I try not to let her know if I am going to be away....as she devoted 60 years of never leaving her husband's side.  It is a different world now and so you can see that she does not approve of my wayward ways.   

Beth was here today for a little lunch break....I think we had lunch together yesterday too at the Captain's Table.   Max was a hoot...he is such a little Scott.  

Tomorrow I will try to get back into the swing of exercise....it will be hard since I have not been to the Y since 1 dec.   

LIfe is good except for this ugly cold sore on my lip.    



03 January 2009

Sat. 3 January 2009

I missed yesterday.....so exciting.   I did some homework with $$$ for the New Year and shredded all old receipts from 2007.   Interesting how 90 % of everything bought in 2007 is no longer usable or likeable.  Hmmmm   another time....

Jake and Olivia were here for a few hours yesterday a.m.  Lesley needed to to get some meat from a locker plant.  I had a hair appt. at 2 p.m. and I actually like my hair.   It is quite a mess this a.m., but I think it will be ok.  

We had dinner last night with E.Star friends at the WindMill.   Not my favorite place, but ok.  

Gary needs to take his Mom to the hairdressers today and then for lunch.  She is lonesome, since Linda (sister) is vacationing in AZ.  

I am encouraging him today to start making some handmade things that would sell at a flea market...or vendor place.   I costs $100 for a table, but sometimes you need to take a risk.  I think you need to make things that don't take a lot of time and keep the price down.  I am sure Beth or Margie would help set up the table to make it more inviting.  It would be a good way for him to make some extra money and keep him busy!   

I need to work on my class reunion stuff today to have ready for a meeting when we return from AZ.   Oh Wow...I need to start thinking about AZ.  I will get my suitcase out today. 
From what I see in the paper the temp.  is somewhere around 70 deg.  but could be cooler in the a.m.   Better take a few sweaters to go with outfits. 

I better get the laundry started and I have a bunch of ironing to do since I neglected it over Christmas.

I am having trouble logging on to the bridge game that Chris sent....I don't know what I do wrong but I always have trouble.   I will need Beth or Margie to come over and get me started. 

I only play about once every 6 weeks, but I want to continue as it is good for the brain as we get older. 



Sat. 2009


01 January 2009

Jan 1 2009

It is 4:00 a.m. this morning...not sure why I am up so early, but anyway it is a good time to get caught up on my blog.  

My brother was here for dinner last night.  We have had a tradition of eating together as couples for at least 15 years.  Last night he came alone.   Pauline sent an email stating that she no longer eats with him and that we were not responsible for his "bad behavior".   I first wanted to reply what about her "bad behavior"?????  Perhaps this is why I am not able to sleep.   Jim had not heard my old saying of "sticks and bones will break your bones, but silence breaks the heart".  I think it may be time for him to start playing a little hard ball with her.  This to shall pass....

I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish in this new year.   I won't even mention losing weight...it is always just out of grasp...another whole story.   I have finally figured out why I overeat....I have a compulsive behavior....(not "bad") and I just replace one bad habit with another.  I gave up smoking for drinking and drinking for eating...it goes on and on..now if I could only stop shopping...but what else is left????  I still have fairly good health so I am very grateful for that and also for the health of my kids and grandkids.  

I am looking forward to a great year with Maggie's graduation from Augie.  She has a very bright future and I hope she follows through with her dreams.  Jane also has a great future ahead of her and I would like to see her go to Sweden for a semester.  These opportunities come along once in a lifetime.  

I wish you all calm and peace and contentment for 2009.  "Tough times never last, but tough people do."  

