30 March 2009

Monday after the storm

I deleted everything I wrote this a.m.....better write later when I feel better.   Attitude has everything to do with it. 

Later, Later,......

18 March 2009

Jane leaves

Gary is home today and Jane and Maggie are gone.  It is a sad day, but nothing stays the same.  Jane may move into the dorm on campus.   I am wishing for this to be true..... 

I just can't think of what to say today....maybe more tomorrow.   GAry and I are going to the Mall to get me a new phone and return a sweater to V.M.  


Patsy Montana 

17 March 2009

St Patrick's Day

The sun is finally shinning and  I am waiting for the appriser to come to apprise our house.  Jane is still sleeping downstairs...I wonder if he will want to see the basement???  I have been walking, been to WW and we will go to see Dr. Mac this p.m.  The days are busy, but somehow I feel sad today.  Perhaps I feel a little insecure with Gary being gone so much........oh well...we are at a really tense time in our lives and this too shall pass.  

I wonder if he will remember that it is our 15th anniv?????  Does it really matter???  I did say all I wanted was to be healthy and happy.   

Jane thought it was funny when I told her about my trip to Wal Mart yesterday.   I am such a wimp!!!   

I better get busy and pick up before he comes....

Let go and Let God

Patty Ann 

St Patricks

15 March 2009

It's been a long long time......

Hi to everyone, 

Life is different than when I last posted on this site.   We now have some additions to our family.  There have been some sacrifices, but who really needs 3 closets full of clothes????  We just want to be there for our family.  If you don't have family...who do you have????  I will keep you posted on the day to day basis.  We all eat at different times and someone is coming or going all the time.  I think everyone has adapted quite well, considering....we have been here alone for so long. 

Jane and I are going to dinner tonight and then to the movie....slumdog millionaire.  

The weather has finally liveable at about 65 deg.   Horray.  

I am still working on the class reunion and have about 7 or 8 people signed up for June.  

I better get ready to leave....later gator, 
