27 December 2008
16 November 2008
That time of year again!!!!
Wow....I feel like the cat on the hot tin roof....too much to wrap around my little brain. Gary has been home now for a month and it seems like just a day or two. We are constantly busy with one thing or another. We are finally through with all the fall birthdays, but must start on Christmas soon as this is a big job when you consider our combined families.
Gary's Mom turned 95 last week and passed her drivers test. What a gutsy woman. I would have wimped out long ago.
We had our cousin's luncheon at Dixie's last week. It is really nice to hear all the memories of the past and how we all seem to have a basic mid-western value system that must just come with the territory.
Max had his 10th birthday yesterday...seems like yesterday that he was born. Time goes by so quickly.
Today we had lunch with some members of the church at a Mexican restaurant. It was fun and Jake talked me into another web-can. Gary was NOT happy, but look at that face....they are soooo cute. They are only little once. Soon they will grow up and not want to spend a Sun. p.m. with Grandma and Grandpa.
We have another busy week ahead. Walking with Vida tomorrow....I hope my knee will hold up. All fall we have been walking 2 miles every day and then yesterday when Gary and I were walking at the Y....it just gave out on me. Maybe I let it rest too long. Who knows, but I need the exercise and will wear my support. I have too much to do to have a bum knee. I surely hope I can escape having to have a knee replacement like all people my age are doing.
We have an important meeting at OES tomorrow night. Tues. I have a dentist appt. I can't remember Wed without looking at the calendar, but on Thurs. I have bridge club here with lunch served. Now we are up to the week-end again. The best time of the day is reading the paper and drinking coffee early in the a.m. and we actually are in the same room.
Life is good and always grateful to have a nice warm house to live in and a dry bed to sleep in every night. Always grateful for Gary...he is my rock and tells me "everything will be okay".
My love,
Mom,wife, sister, grandma, and always a friend
02 November 2008
Fall back..spring ahead
Okay, I forgot to set the clocks back and here I am awake at 4:30 A.M. which is what we usually know as 5:30....
I love drinking coffee and reading the paper on Sunday mornings, but apparently the paper girl did not forget to set her clock back and she is still not here. I will not complain as that is really a sign of "old age".
Gary's Mom was here for dinner last night. We should have company more often because it makes you actually cook. She is not having Lighthouse help her any more since she got her $5,000 bill. We worry that she does not eat very much and her speed is ....worse than slow. I am amazed that she still wants to take her drivers test. I think anyone who comes to renew their drivers tests in a walker should be disqualified. What do I know....lately everyone disagrees with my philosophy. The people who put the new roofs on the condos where she lives gave each owner a $100 gift card from Whitey's. a pretty impractable gift for old people who wouldn't eat that much ice cream for the rest of their lives!! Now she is in a quandry trying to figure out what she can do with it. I suggested she donate it to the youth group at church, but that went right over the top of her head.
I am taking shoe boxes to church this a.m. for "shoe boxes" for kids. I kept 2 to fill up and will have Margie help me purchase for 9-10 year olds. She should know what they would like.
I think after church we should be home all day, but we have a busy week coming.
Happy Anniversary to Beth and Dan, as I remember it was a nice sunny day in Nov. when they got married 23 years ago. A lot of water under the damn since then. So grateful that Dan is cancer free and back to normal. He always makes me laugh....what is that about him???? Is he really that funny????
I think the paper is here.....later....
Love and Hugs,
31 October 2008
We have had some little trick or treaters, but not too many. Jake and Livie were here this p.m. Very cute as Darth Vader and Cat girl.
We have been busy this week and I think Vida and I have walked every day this week!!! Yah!!
I had lunch with Julie Wells this p.m. She is the most spiritual person that I know. I don't agree with her on all subjects, but that's ok, I still like and respect her.
Tomorrow I will help with a funeral service for a E.S. member.
Well, I need to write the checks and pay the bills.
Later Gator,
25 October 2008
Margie's birthday
How I remember the morning Margie was born. I remember apologizing to the Dr. for getting him up so early. She was born at 4:15 a.m. Margie's dad insisted we not go to the hospital until after midnight so we did not have to pay for another day, and then he begged the Dr. to keep me one more day in the hospital so he could go to the football game. Just a small rut in the road in the journey of life and I am sure he would be sorry today.
So many things have changed since 42 years ago. My mom and dad were still here, we were living in Geneseo, I did not know then that I would spend 18 years working at John Deere and I would have 2 more husbands. I am so grateful every day that I am where I am today. I still have things to learn, but I am as happy as one could be on this earth. I have 3 really great kids...who who are so smart and well adjusted in spite of all the trials they had to live through. I would have done better if I had known better. Enough reminiscing......
Gary has taken his mom to the beauty shop....you know you have a keeper when he is nice to his Mom. He is really looking so good.....we went to the diabetic Dr. last week and he lost another 5 lbs. I don't know why it bothers me so much that he is the same weight as me, but it does. He tries to assure me by saying "I can still get my arms around you".....Oh what to do!!!!
I am finally over my cold and now Max is sick. We missed his piano recital last night. What a talented boy. Thanks to his mom and dad that they expose him to much intellect.
We voted yesterday early....at the court house and still had to wait in line. We each voted secretly and coming home we found out that we voted for exactly the same people. You know how that saying goes. We are beginning to be more alike than different. Of course, most of the candidates did not have anyone opposing them!!!
Later Gator,
Much love to Margie on her special day.
21 October 2008
one week later
My breathing was not the warm weather or my asthma. I have a really bad cold and had to cancel everything on my list this week. (mostly drs. and dentists) I feel a little better today and will rest until Friday as I want to go to Max's piano recital and then Margie's birthday on Sat.
I have been thinking a lot about Dan, as he had surgery yesterday to remove some moles that looked suspicious. It is always a worry when you have to wait to hear the results. We will pray that everything will be okay and it will be a warning to take better care, if needed. We all take for granted everyday that when we get up that we will feel good and be healthy.
Tim and Fumie left on Mon. The twins are really cute, but you need lots of energy to keep up with them. I think I need to ask the Dr. for some holiday pills......one day at a time.
I have not heard from Von Maur about the Christmas wrapping job, but I am having second thoughts about it anyway. It may be for the best, not sure if I could keep up with everything else that I have on my plate.
We really need to get new carpet in the living room, but have not seen how hard we were hit on our 401k. Gary is ready, but now I am holding back. Oh what to do or not to do and does it really matter????
Wishing you well and can't wait to see you on Sat. I miss you all.
14 October 2008
The Dieter's Dairy
Ok...I confess I have been on "Seattle Sutton" for the last 6 weeks!!!! Have I lost any weight? well, yes, 8 lbs. I think I could continue on SS for a very long time, however, it is quite pricey and I still have to feed Gary!!!! When our economy went to pot, I quit...... Now I will have to struggle to keep off the 8 lbs. and perhaps lose more.
I have been struggling with my breathing the last week or so, but I think it is is in the air and this warm weather is just not right for this time of the year. I have the air on...but today it has finally cooled down. Vida and I walked our usual 2 miles and it seemed nice outside.
Max was here yesterday, but you hardly know that he is around, pretty quiet and does not require a lot of attention. Margie looked very sick when she came to pick him up. I hope she is feeling better today and does not go to karate for a while.
Gary got an email from Tim saying they would arrive on Fri. about 1:00 p.m. I still don't know what the plans are for the week-end, but I have put it out of my mind. It is what it is!!! I think we will shop for birthday gifts for the twins this p.m. I have a dentist appt. before that. We have a star meeting tonight. Thurs Dixie, Carol, Sandra and I are going to Naperville on the train.
Gary is finishing his ferris wheel...he wants to display it in his room on the coffee table. Sure hope the twins don't get near it. There are lots and lots of hours on the ferris wheel.
We seldom see Jake and Olivia any more....I guess they are too busy. Maggie and Jane are busy also. Everybody is busy!!!
Later Gator,
p.s. Gary's mom is having 24 hour care since she fell in the closet. I think she likes the attention.
10 October 2008
It is Friday already!!!
You can tell it is homecoming....someone in the neighborhood got teeped last night and Cole across the street says he has a date for tomorrow night for the dance. He goes to Alleman. We love Cole...he has sort of grown up since we moved here 14 years ago. He is such a "guy"with braces on his teeth and plays football. He takes his little twin brother and sister who are in first grade to school everyday. Vida and I talk with everyone going to work in the neighborhood when we return from our walk each day.
It is another beautiful day and I think Gary and I will go to Spoon River tomorrow. I hope I can get some bittersweet. I have a passion for it this year.
Gary just came home from work and wants to go to Branson on the bus....wonderful...I am ready to anywhere. He is funny....we talk about not having any $ and then he starts talking about putting in a new furnace, Branson, etc......ok it is still just talk. Next week I am going to Naperville with the girls. Dixie really wanted me to come the day before and stay overnight with her, but Gary wants to take me out. Oh I am so in demand. I have not heard from V.Maur, but perhaps that is a good sign that I should not take on this job.
I made my Christmas list out today, to be revised of course, but it is not too early to be thinking about Christmas.
Is Beth the only person who reads my blog???? Thanks Beth. I think Scott sometimes prints it for Margie to read.
Since we are not having Margie's b.party until Sun. I wonder if we should go to lunch on Sat....girls only????? We are invited to a Halloween party Sat. night now that the party has changed.
I am working in the basement today.....Tim and Tom coming next week-end.
Later Gator,
09 October 2008
Beautiful fall weather
Monday we made a quick trip to Springfield. I have another formal!!! Enough of that. Tues it rained all day and I think I did a few errands. Margie has been at work cleaning the house for now going on 3 days!! Does not matter in the least just a little LOL. Chris called this a.m. Wed. we went back to Springfield as a favor to another lady. We really did have a nice time and home at a reasonable hour. Today...went really fast....I need to do laundry and stay home, but I went shopping and lunch with Dixie and Carol. Tomorrow is Friday all ready. It has been 1 week since Gary's mom fell in the closet. I hope she will be able to bounce back. She is 95 and it seems like she is just a fall away all the time.
It is a busy month and just grateful to be well enough to enjoy this lovely fall weather. I am concerned about $, but who isn't???? We will all have to tighten our belts a little.
Love always,
p.s. I hope Jane and Maggie have their $ in CDs.
02 October 2008
Red Hat Day
A most enjoyable p.m. Lunch at Granite City and then to the movie with the girls. We saw
"Women". There were lines in that movie that any woman could relate to in her life. The husband was going out with the bombshell and the wife's mother said something that I could relate to.....that you will never be hurt like that again. There are few things that are just once in a lifetime...that is one. Enough about that....
I walked 2 miles this a.m. and that is about it for today. I want to watch the debates tonight...Pallin and Biden.
Gary's family is sometimes confusing to me. Tom called this p.m. and I could not get a straight answer out of him?????? Melissa won't return my call. Fumie won't answer my email. Maybe I am too scheduled, but I really do have a busy life too. Okay....there are no plans...just do whatever I guess when they arrive. It is what it is.....I can do it for Gary. He does a lot for my kids and I appreciate it so much....so I can conform somewhat to hither dither plans.....I don't like it , but I can do it.
Last Fri. with Beth and Margie was quite remarkable....I really good day. If you remember I ordered the powder blue blouse from Nordstroms, but I really wanted ivory. Guess what came in the mail today???? I think it was a reminder of everything just going along so well. Powder is really Powder color!!!! not powder blue as the salesperson told me. Horray!!!
Pauline was at the luncheon today and gave me a hug, but no words.....
Until later,
p.s. Shopping after the movie and I DID NOT buy anything!!!!!
01 October 2008
first day of October
I did not join the this session of y classes as I thought I may be too busy.
I went to the beauty shop today and had my hair cut and colored. I met a man there who is quite active in PFLAG. His boy is being married in CA. next month. Quite interesting, however, Gary has no interest in going to the meetings and they meet in IA so I guess I won't be attending.
I did some shopping for Gary and then home. Cool and comfy today. I broke down and put the electric blanket back on the bed. I am opposed to wearing slippers to bed!!!
Gary and I sat on the porch and had a cup of hot choc. early this evening.
It has been a good day....waiting for the bail out vote.
30 September 2008
Last day of September
Hi Everyone,
I think I am over the shock of the financial crisis for a little while. I was getting so nervous thinking we would be losing all our money (what little there is). I know now that stress is what makes my neck turn, but that is another story.
Today I feel really well and walked 2 miles in the brisk morning air. I love the fall weather and I think it is finally here to stay. Later Gary drove me to Dr. Johnson's office. I was sure that I had broken a cap and it was going to be very costly to replace. What a surprise to find out it was my very own tooth and just needed some bonding. We stopped at 4-seasons to return a blouse and then went to J.D. commons and bought a formal dress shirt for Gary to wear with his tux. He really needs a new tux, but I will work on that later. He has lost so much weight that he looks like a little boy wearing his daddy's clothes!!!! (in the tux) We ate lunch at the River House in the Commons and stopped at a lovely little bakery near by. The man running the bakery said he had been on "Food network" and we didn't even know he was in town. I said to Gary....do we live in a cave or what???
I did get my nap in this p.m. and paid all the bills and have a little left over.
I wrote to Tim and Fumie about their visit on Oct 17, but have not heard back from them. Lesley replied that she will not be available that week-end as they have soccer games. Tom and family will be coming also for the twins birthday party. I get a little panicky too soon....I really don't mind all the company....just need a little help. This too shall pass....
Until later,
Patty Ann
28 September 2008
September...the days are short
Hi everyone...
Well, what has happened???? I don't want you to think I have been sitting in my rocking chair for 2 weeks.
My friend from CA, Janet, was here on Mon. Sep 22. We had a nice bonding and also it was Maggie's birthday. What a girl...she will do great things in the future.
We took Janet to Davenport on Tues. morning after I dried and curled her hair. It was like high school all over again. LOL
Wed was lunch with my classmates..we are really bonding now as 1/3 of our class are now deceased. Yikes!!!
I was home all day on Thurs. by myself in the house.....Heaven!!! Friday was a little piece of heaven also because I rode to Chicago with my 2 daughters. I hope they enjoyed the trip as much as I did. I don't get to be alone with them very often and it was a real treat. I am proud of both of them. Why do they say Chris is my favorite?????? Hee Hee! I wonder what Chris thinks.
Sat. I put my application in at Von Maur to work with the gift wrapping for the Christmas season. I have mixed emotions about it. I love to wrap presents and think I do pretty good at it. However, I am such a "at home" person. I just love being home. Gary always says "why don't you go to work and then when I do....he says why do you want to leave me????? Confusion sets in. I guess I am a little worried if I have the strength to do the job...it has been 6 years since I worked. This too shall pass.....one can always quit, but that is not my plan. I like to finish what I start, but also know my limitations.
More to come....we are off to Elim this a.m. I don't want to go to the hayrack ride, the air is too heavy to sit out that long.
I forgot we also went to the pumpkin patch with Max, Jake and Olivia last week and yesterday we went to Jake's soccer game.
More to come later...
18 September 2008
Walking in Homewood
I lost my house key on Tues and found it on Thurs!!!!! Last night I went to a fundraiser at Illini hospital with Karen. I can't believe I turned down a nice dinner party invitation to play bingo!!!! To top it all off...Karen invited all of us and then said we would have to fend for ourselves as she had to go to choir practice.. I never learn my lesson about Karen. She is always late and disorganized. You can't help but love her, but sometimes she really tests your patience.
Today was Dr. Mac and then on to North Park. Gary was a gem today....running me around and not a peep. I guess after 15 years, he has finally realized my silly ways. I try to remember to tell him how much I appreciate him and how much it means to me that he is predictable.
Max was here yesterday to earn some extra money for something he wanted really bad...I think he will be back on Sun. for a visit and then on Wed. we are taking all the little ones to the pumpkin patch. I have a lot to do before then....Mon is Maggie's birthday and Janet arrives.... Tues we take Janet to Davenport. Wed is Golden Girls. A busy week as usual, I have not had time to take my usual nap lately.
Until later,
Patty Ann
14 September 2008
it can't be 10 days!!!!
We have been busy already this fall. We had a trip to Chicago to visit with friends we met in AZ. This weekend be had Olivia and Jake here. They are cute and sweet. Olivia is a bit of a challenge. She has a natural obsession to feel everything. It could be good or sometimes messy. We took them to paint a penquin yesterday and today we went to the Putnum. We took them home about 4 p.m. We really had intended to visit the pumpkin patch, but we have had rain, rain and more rain. We have a little rain in the basement, but can't complain after what other people have gone through in TX.
Tomorrow is swimming and a meeting tomorrow night. Thurs. Dixie and I are starting WW again together. I think I a little envious of Gary with his 40 lb. weight loss.
Friday was cousin day at Sandi Rice's house, I did not attend. I think I was just out of steam. Dixie told me that she picked up Pauline and she told her that my brother had been physical and mentally abusive for 50 some years. Wow my brain has a hard time wrapping that around it!!! It is sad that the last chapter of their lives will be so unhappy and just plain awkward.
I hope everyone has a good week....more later.
03 September 2008
COOL.....and loving it!
I have to back track a little first. On Sunday night we had all the (my) kids here for dinner. It was too hot to make S'mores, but it will get cold soon. I was disappointed that Maggie's birthday is the same day that Janet is coming to town to spend the night. However, we will work something out.
On Labor day we took Jake and Max to the Carnival in Keewanee. Let me remember not to do this again next year. Jake has a memory like an elephant and was remembering from last year. It was entirely too hot for me (90 deg) and I worry about the kids on the rides. You feel so responsible. Well we made it home safe and sound and everyone had a good time. I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 8:30.
Yesterday was a quiet day at home...I walked in the morning with Vida and then did some laundry and watched the R. convention. Gary was home all day...working on his ferris wheel.
Today I went to the pool, paid the taxes and Margie is here cleaning. Thanks to Beth for the link to the dress....I ordered it and the dress was 1/2 price....really a steal for a Eileen Fisher. It should make a great Christmas dress.
I have a Dr. appt. this p.m. and need to pick up pants for Gary and pants for Pat and go to the grocery store. I have a pretty full day. We are planning to go to Chicago to visit with Diane and Ralph on Fri. I hope we are home the same day, but if not early on Sat. as I want to go to the Pops concert on Sat. night.
I hope Chris is doing okay with the fence in his yard. It is always SOMETHING!
31 August 2008
Sunday At Elim Church
Today was the first Sunday we have been at Elim in over 6 months. The people were as usual very friendly and lots of new young faces. That is good for the church. This church thing has really come between Gary and myself. He does what I want, but without saying anything, he resents the whole thing. I can give in to most anything, but when it goes against my conviction and what I believe in...I can't. So it is what it is!!!
I have my roast in the oven and kids coming for dinner...I hope it will be ok.
More later,
29 August 2008
Finished the blue room
I finally did it....I really cleaned out that room and I had a whole garbage bag full of just "stuff". Sometimes you just have to let go! I did NOT get rid of my vintage hankys. Oh my gosh....am I gay??? I just read that Ellen has a passion for antique hankerchiefs also. LOL She gave them out to her guests at her recent wedding.
I think my friend coming from CA. has inspired me to clean this room and make it a little more adult. What was I thinking...with all the teddy bears and "Fox in the Box" books. I even had a baby rattle under the bed!
I so wanted to hear Obama's speech last night, but I fell asleep about half way. He has my vote anyway. If he does what he says....we will all be better off.
Gary is working again today. I did not go to the pool this a.m..... shame...just couldn't get moving this a.m.
I had shopping and lunch with my 2 daughters yesterday. I am very proud of them both. I must have done something right because they are strong women with a very soft side with the grandchildren. Good job!!!
Happy Labor day holiday to everyone
More later....
28 August 2008
power shopping with Margie
It is a rainy day, but it won't keep the shoppers away. It has been a busy week....Gary's Mom had her heart jump started on tues....not too bad for a 95 year old. I hope Gary has some of her genes. He has been having trouble breathing lately, but the Dr. says it is not his heart. He has lost so much weight (45 lbs.) that his whole body is in total rehaul. I would be lying if I was not a bit jealous of all his compliments, but he deserves and he really looks nice.
I had a bone density test on Wed, that is the easier and less invasive test I have ever had done, but I don't really think I have weak bones. We will see.
I had lunch with my school mates yesterday. I guess E. Star has taught me one thing about keeping on the agenda and getting things done. We are in the process of getting our reunion together for 2009....our 55th. We have lost 29 members out of a class of 90. That is kind of scary!!!
Later....I have a very important date...
24 August 2008
Sunday at home
Well, I made my decision to stay at home today. I had to really ask myself...what do you REALLY want to do today and myself said just stay home. Sometimes it is a luxury to not have to live by the clock or calendar for a while and maybe just stay in your p j's all day.
This church thing is really dividing Gary and I. I sense that we are getting farther and farther apart. He chooses to work almost full time and when he is home, he is in the basement or on the computer or ipod. Could be worse....this too shall pass.
So I think I will try to finish my book today and list it on Good Reads..... may need help from Maggie. I will try to start the ironing....how did I get so far behind????
Much to do this coming week....lazy today.....
Thinking of you.....
Patsy Montana
23 August 2008
Karen' open house
Fri. night we went to visitation for the Srail's daughter and then out to dinner with Luths, Benners and Val. at the Captain's Table. I collected $152. for the humane society in her memory.
I really planned to take the chair and bike over to Beth's today, but Olivia was here most of the day. Gary keeps disappearing. Dorothy, Livie and I went to the open house at Karen's house. She had a big crowd, but it was a challenge watching Livie with her cake and candy and drink. We managed ok and did not stay long. Mrs. Donut was there and had to tell me all the details of Jim's outrageous behavior. Some people have no class. I really did not need to hear all that this afternoon. Karen's house was sooo hot and I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
After coming home we went to Block Busters and got some movies for Livie and pizza for supper. It is easier to eat at home with her. Jake had his first soccer game out of town today. He won his game and looked so cute in his uniform. He will be coming tomorrow for a visit.
Gary gave me an ultimatim today.....I have to choose between Jerry's church and Elim. He wants a church home and does not want to run around town looking for another church. I guess it will be Elim, even though I think they are cliqueish, but we did see Gary Wells at Block Buster so perhaps that is an omen that we should go back. We will see....
More to come.
20 August 2008
Shopping makes everything better!
I skipped going to the Y this a.m. and instead did some power shopping. I bought a new blanket at Target. It is really soft and cozy. I did not buy any clothes!!! I bought a bright red sauce pan on sale at Dillards for $20. They had some really good bargains on calphon cookware...but not too much cooking in this kitchen any more.
I managed to get home in time to get my nap in and then started to make choc chip cookies for Srails. Vida came over and stayed for a while. Srail's daughter passed away and my job was too collect money from the neighbors. It took me 2 hours as everyone wanted to visit, but it is a good way to meet all your neighbors.
More tomorrow....Gary is finally going to be home!!!!
19 August 2008
Back Fire!!!!
Soooo I spent time and energy putting the electric blanket back on the bed and guess what happened???? Gary couldn't wait to get home from E. Star to get into the crisp cool sheets. Am I missing something here???? It is too confusing and minor to spend any more time thinking about it.
I think my problem may be that I always think people say what they mean and I take it for face value. It could be a virtue or a curse....I am not sure.
Vida and I walked this a.m. I am in the midst of cleaning the closet in the blue room. It is time to let go of the size 14 and 16s. It is what it is!!! I guess the most important thing is that every morning I feel great and most times happy.
The house is quiet today....seems like I am spending more and more time alone, which is not all that bad.
More later, I need to get with the closet.
Pleasing Plump Sister Ann
18 August 2008
Dog days of summer
I was up at 6 today and went to the Y. I have been trying to clean the closet in the blue room. I do have too many shoes and purses. What's new pussy cat???
Gary went to work early this morning and I made the ultimate sacrifice for him. I finally put the electric blanket back on the bed. Every night it is the same routine...."these sheets are soooo cold". I simply love the feel of crisp white sheets and I would put my pillow in the refrig if there was room. Anyway, it is not worth arguing about any more.
It was nice to have Beth and Dan last night for supper...they should come more often...or I should cook more often.... . Dan was not as funny as usual, but then he just got home from a long ride on his bike.
Well, I will either have to finish the closet or take a nap....it is time. Janet from CA. is coming to visit with us 22 Sept. for just one night.
later Gator...no church news...maybe we should try Lutheran, but not MO. syn.....too strict.
16 August 2008
I am back!!!!
It's hard to believe it has been a whole week since I have written. I don't think it was such a busy week. I will have to look back on my calendar to find out what I did all week. Monday we got the new washer and drier in the basement. Also, paid the taxes. Tues. was Chris' 47th birthday. He called me before I had a chance to call him first. I also went to the beauty shop for a pedicure and came home to take a nap. Tues. night was "Star" night and I did look pretty nice in my new sheer black blouse. Gary said so.....Wed. Margie cleaned and Max stayed with us overnight. We went to the Mall and purchased yet another webkinz and a book from Waldens. He slept on the couch all night with the tv on. I woke up about 3 p.m. but I left the tv on for him. We also ate supper at Steak and Shake. I was telling Max that when I first ate at Steak and Shake was in Champaign in 1956. We used to go there on our lunch hour from work at the Univ.
Thurs. was a busy day. I went to WW this a.m. Margie came after Max and we had Dr. appts at Dr. Mac and then I talked Gary into taking me to N.Park Mall. I will never forgive him for misleading me, by telling me that Von Maur was just around the corner from Barnes and Noble. While he was browsing and reading at Barnes and Noble...I was walking and walking and walking. We ate dinner at USA tonight.
Friday was another busy day. Margie finished cleaning and brought donuts. Gary and I walked 2 miles. Then we took Gary's mom to the foot dr. and then to the grocery store. I was sure she would not want to go to the Moose with us, but she said yes....I wanted to talk with my brother, but she doesn't hear too much. Pauline is really using her Belguim Blood to get him down. He said she refuses to be in the same room with him and will not speak a word to him. He does his own cooking and laundry. Oh well, time will tell. He is spending a lot of time in Sheffield and playing lots of golf. He is in a golf tournament this week-end.
There was not a lot of cooking done here this week as I look back, however, tonight we stayed home and we had Schwan's spagetti and garlic bread. Karen was here this afternoon with the invitation to her open house. We were sitting on the porch when she came and she leaned over and put her head on Gary's shoulder. Hmmmmm She is something!!! Of course, he IS irrestiable (sp). I wish this thing had spell check!!!
Well, later gator.....another different church tomorrow.....
Love and hugs,
10 August 2008
We attended First Covenant Church this a.m. with Gary's Mom. It is away from the anti-gay place, but oh that music is enough to put you to sleep!!! After church, we went to Penora's for lunch. Gary's mom is pretty hep for such an old lady.....
We went to the Luth's for a picnic tonight to celebrate the storm damage. We sat with Bernice and Jim Srail...I was thinking that Bernice is like a little bit of history. She was a nurse working under General Patton at the Battle of the Bulge. She said it was not like "MASH".
Dr. Johnson was there with a date. Hmmmmm. It was the first we had met her. I wonder if she works in his office.
We are home now watching the Olympics.
Paying taxes tomorrow and delivering washer and drier. Margie cleaning (I think)
08 August 2008
I finally made it to the Y this a.m. I can tell that I have not been for awhile because I am stiff....I really did not get too much done today....still working on laundry. Max was here this afternoon. He is excited about going to the Dells in a week or so. He is a good boy and very talented.
We went to dinner at the Legion in Moline. I am not sure how things are going with Jim and Pauline. The last time I talked with Jim, he said things were worse.
We ate dinner with Gary's Mom and sister.
I have been thinking all day about how I was going to tell Gary that I was Not going back to the church we were attending and out of the blue, he suggested we start going to First Covenant!!!! Must be magic.....I balanced my check book and now I must wake Gary up to go to bed.
We watched the opening of the Olympic games.
07 August 2008
21 days without cable
At last we have cable and internet. Mediacom came today and finally got us hooked up. I walked this a.m. with my new ipod. Vida is home, but when I went to get her, she was still in her jamies.
I went to the beauty shop at 11:00 and had my hair trimmed and colored. This is a new record for me to stay this long with the same hairdresser...I think at least one year. I hurried home for the cable to come because if we were not at home, we would have to reschedule!!! YIKes!!
I am still working on laundry from MN and not having power....it should go quicker after Mon. We bought a new washer and drier from Sears tonight. It was on sale and they will remove the old ones free. It seems like a luxury, but Gary can do his towels and underwear downstairs and also we have quite a lot of company. They can do their laundry before going home. I suspect the twins will be here at Christmas and they require a lot of washing.
Nothing much new today...Max will visit tomorrow...good thing we have cable or he would be bored.
I bought Chris's shoes and a polo shirt last night for his birthday.
Later Gator,
02 August 2008
7th day in MN
It won't be long now....we are on the down side of boys.....the dog vomited on the porch yesterday and that was quite a commotion to get someone to clean it up. We went back to the Big Mall yesterday and Gary took the boys shopping while I looked around Macys. We ate dinner at Applebees last night and it was in a small mall....nothing new there.
Today Luke left for a ball game and if he wins...it will be a back to back game....right in the heat of the day. We will go for a little while, but the heat if just too much for both of us, but Gary won't admit.
I made taco soup this a.m.....the first time I really cooked as it is really hard in someone else's kitchen. Melissa and I do not think alike at all in the kitchen....but who does???
I am anxious to come home and have a routine in my life again....I do get out of my comfort zone.....okay.....later from Moline, IL.
31 July 2008
another post...same day
I thought I was going to lose everything so I had to publish and I was not finished writing. Back to Chris 47 years ago. He was the biggest baby in the baby unit.....weighing in at 10lb 1 and 1/2 oz. He was an easy baby, not requiring much attention and did not talk a lot, but he could talk, his sister did all the talking for him. She was talking in sentences at 1 year. Well, enough for tonight...it is hot and humid here. And I thought MN. was supposed to be cold!
Later Gator....Night all Miss you.....
Still in MN.
I am so wanting to go home, but we are on the downside now. Today is Gary's birthday...67 years. We ate lunch at a Chinese resturant. We took the boys home and went downtown Minn. to see Pastor Jacboi church. He was not there, but the church is big and looks much like First Covenant in Moline.
We then went grocery shopping after taking the boys home. Praying they won't kill one another. Luke is wiry and sneaky and Noah is LOUD and not so fast. I predict in the future when Noah's body and brain get together Luke will be missing some teeth!
Gary is doing the laundry tonight, because I won't go in the basement with the dog. There is a first time for everything. Luke is at a baseball game and Noah is watching tv. If he isn't fighting with Luke, he is watching that tube all the time. I think they are ready for school.
I napped from 4:00 to 5:30, I have been sleeping a lot, but I think I am just bored. Tomorrow we will send the suitcases by FedX. That means it won't be long before we leave, just 2 more days. The 3rd day will be on the train. When I get home, I promise I will simplify, simplify, simplify!!!!
Chris called this morning...it will not be long before his birthday...it does not seem like 47 years, I remember it so clearly. I
30 July 2008
2 more weeks of adventure
We managed to weather the power outage for 6 days. We left on Sat. morning for Mn. in the dark. Actually, I was relieved to get on the train and have an outlet to plug in my phone and it was really cool. The train ride was uneventful with a few characters aboard...one old guy thought he was going to New York!!! The train was on time and Tom was waiting for us at the train station.
Tom dropped Gary and I off at the Great Mall and we shopped til we dropped which was only about 3 hours. I got my favorite fragrance at Nordstroms and then to Macys and Bare E. The most time was spent at the Apple store. You really had to make an appt. and come back to buy anything.....Crazy!!! People were standing in line to buy the new Iphone. Gary had to take about an hour to decide to buy the new Ipod touch for his birthday!!! I am not sure if that was a good idea, he is hooked on this tech. and then he complains about the kids and their games!!! It is what it is!!!!
We are into the 4th day in MN. and I think I am a little homesick...I am afraid of the dog, but you can't let anyone know it or it is worse. I am not used to being with 3 guys. Gary has to go everywhere with me in the house and I sleep with the door shut. I suppose he is pretty harmless, but big as a pony. The boys are really better behaved on their own turf, then they are at our house. The turf....hmmmm all I can say is I think Melissa may have some depression....on my....that is all I can say.
We went to Luke's ball game tonight, but it was sooo hot over 90 deg. so we left early. He came home with friends. It is a production to go anywhere around here. So much traffic...I did not realize how nice we have it in the QC . We can actually get an ice cream in 10 min. It would take an hour here.
Well, I hope to see you all on Sun, unless the train is late then Mon. I hope jane and Maggie are watering my flowers out front.
Yes, I need to play bridge again. I am so tired of sucking hind teat with my bridge group. I always come in last.
19 July 2008
Finished "the Pact"
I liked his book...but one line really hit me between the eyes. Oscar Wilde said "Pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. Truth, you see, is in the eyes of the beholder."
This morning we went to Eldridge to a meeting of a support group of people who have the same affliction that I have. I am convinced that my neck problem was caused by too much stress and my muscles just broke down. I am sooooo much better since I got out of John Deere and married Gary. My life is mostly calm now and I rarely have trouble with my neck unless I expose myself to a lot of stress.
We stopped at a road side stand and bought sweet corn (Gary is the BEST cleaner of corn) and tomatoes....grown in Ark. where Pauline is right now!
We had dinner with brother Jim last night.....it is really BAD. In my opinion, Pauline has been angry with him for a longgggg time and this just puts the icing on the cake for her. A real reason to be on a mission. I just wanted him to take care of his health...because I know what stress can do to your health. He is very broken up and depressed...taking meds for it. I wanted to tell him that he should see an atty (out of town) just so he would know his rights if needed, however, that sometimes can open up a whole can of worms. She wants him out of the house...he knows that is not the right thing to do, but how do you live in a house when no one talks to you???? I can't do it!!!! He is a good guy and never really wanted to cause all this trouble. The girl he befriended has left her husband and living with another....I think I smell a fish here...
I just said Jim....you will be fine....look at me....I am fine...and I have been in the deep!!! Hang in there strong Swede!!!!
Hamburgers and sweet corn for supper......hmmmm sounds good.
Later Gator
Sister Ann
18 July 2008
Summer half over
Yesterday was a quiet day. It is a very rare occasion for me to me home alone all day. I have to say that I rather enjoyed not having to be somewhere at a certain time. I am trying to get our clothes together so we can fed-x them to MN. It is hard to make choices when you have too many choices!!! Gary is easier, but I try to stick to the black and white theme.
Gary worked all day yesterday and was really tired after being out in the heat all day. I did go walking with Vida and when we got home the d.... wasp stung me on the leg. They are all over Val's yard swarming all the time....
I am almost finished with my book, 'the Pact'. I will need something else to take with me to MN. I sure I have plenty here that I have not read yet.
Swim class at 8:15....I need to go to the Credit Union after that and then the grocery.
pedicure at 2:00 p.m. and then I am going to Beth's house...I have not been there in a long time and I want to see their new wood floor. Surprise this a.m. Dan stopped by on his bike.
I am debating about calling Jim and Pauline for supper at Moose.....I will think about that.
Until later,
p.s. I will not be napping today!
15 July 2008
It only hurts when I laugh....
I always remember the line from this movie about the daughter who was in the middle of the divorce. She said to her mother...."I only wanted you to fight for me". It is kind of reverse when you get old...you only want your kids to fight for you.
It is a very warm day and I am fighting sleep, but I have an appt for a bone density test this p.m. and then Olivia is spending the night with us. I am reading the "Pact" and have a hard time getting away from it.
Gary is working again....Vida and I walked 2 miles this a.m. I will miss her in the next 3 weeks as she will be in CO.
Margie cleaned the house and we had a nice lunch together. Nothing new today.
Patty Ann
12 July 2008
Never the same
Hi, It is one of those days where you don't want to get dressed. You sit around and wonder what is your purpose in life? Tomorrow will be better....
I bought a new griddle and used it for the first time this morning. Sorry, Max my pancakes are still a little dark brown, but that is an improvement. I cleaned all the pictures off the refrigerator....time for new ones. I am trying to keep things simple...."is it kind, necessary, or true?"
In a couple weeks we will leave for MN. It should be a new experience for us...I will have plenty to write about when we get back from our SECOND train ride. Luke is sleeping on a mattress in his new bedroom, but they have a new plasma HD TV. I have a hard time justifying things like that....but I don't walk in there shoes.....
Later Gator,
p.s. It was a thrill to see Max hit a home run!!!! Holy Cow!!!!
05 July 2008
5 boys 1 girl
I am exhaused....4 days of all this testosterone is a little much. They are all good kids but we are way too comfortable in the quiet zone. Jake was supposed to go home today, but Olivia now has scarlet fever!!!
Noah lost a tooth this a.m. Gary has been messing and trying to copy a dvd....not successful
and we watched 2 movies....August Rush and night in the museum.
Tomorrow everyone leaves and things will be back to normal. I don't know why I am so tired doing nothing. I was too tired to go out for dinner....that is bad.
More later....when I catch up.
29 June 2008
Sun afternoon
I have been away for awhile. Thurs. was Jane's 19th birthday. We spent the day together having lunch at the Olive Garden and then shopping at North Park. Jane's braces broke while we were having lunch and we had a flat tire on the way home. Not to worry, Jane took it all in stride on her birthday. We ended the day with cake and ice cream here with Beth, Dan, Maggie and Michelle Kutunis.
On Friday afternoon Max came over to spend the night. We ate supper at Steak and Shake and ran into Olivia with her Grandma Phyllis. We went to see the movie Ku Fung Panda and then to South Park to pick out a Webkinz. He picked out a penquin and had a long time trying to decide on a name. He finally came up with the name "ice cube"....very cute. I did not feel well and we all went to bed at 10 p.m.
Sat. I stayed in all day. Max and I made blueberry muffins and his Dad came to get him about 10 a.m. as he had a ball game.
Today Sun. we went to church and then to Jake's ball game and got rained out! Will it ever stop raining???? I did get to take my nap and now thinking of making something for dinner.
Tomorrow starts another busy week. Swimming on Mon. Geneseo on Tues. Star meeting Tues evening. Wed and Thurs Jake will be here....wow that takes us up to the week-end again. Have been thinking much about my brother. I hope all is well. His heart has had a lot of help over the years and stress is not what he needs now at his age. More later....it is what it is.
My classmates and myself are in the process of planning our 55th class reunion for next year. At least 5 have died since we last met in 2004. It will keep getting smaller until very few will be left. Hmmmm...the circle of life.
Mom, Grandma,wife, friend, sister
24 June 2008
A beautiful day today
We have two nest of birdies that are just about ready to leave the nest. It won't be too soon for me as they are ruining my flower.
Walked 2 miles this a.m....washed my kitchen window and blind and curtain. I was thinking as I was climbing up on the countertop....how many more years will I be able to do this. Hmmmm
Margie and Max brought me lunch today and then I slept for 2 hours!!!! Oh my, I did not even hear Gary come home.
Gary went to Max's ball game and I am going to a meeting.
More tomorrow....Golden Girls meet in Geneseo park.
23 June 2008
fasting Mon.
Today was my physical. The receptionist made my day by looking back and forth from the tube to me. Finally I said are there more than one Pat Hansens? She said no...I just thought I had the wrong person because your looks do not match the birth date. Well, that was a good start to my day.
My new Dr. Spengelmeyer is a lot more thorough than my old Dr.(but of course my old Dr. was just sued for malpractice) She did a pap test, which I have not had in years....my old Dr. said I did not need one. She ordered a xray of my shoulder which has been bothering me and also a bone density test, which I have never had. Hmmmmm also she ordered a urine sample, which I have never had before. We will see!!!
I then went to Target to get some new pillows for our bed. I finally managed to get downstairs and saw the pillows that Chris bought and wow ours look awful. I think they need to be thrown away.
Gary is working today, but I think I just heard him come in 2:45p.m. We are going to dinner tonight with cousin Linda and Bob Sex. (for Chris' benefit)
I did get my nap in today....love it. I can never get rid of that couch. It is a keeper for sleeper.
can't wait for Thurs. to see Jane.
22 June 2008
Lazy Sunday
This is a restful Sunday after all we have been doing Fri and Sat. We went to "Camp Invention" at Jane Adams on Fri p.m. Max, Jake and Olivia all attended the camp. I don't think I am very creative, because their projects just look like a bunch of junk to me. The kids will all probably turn out to me mini-Bill Gates.
Jake and Livie came home with us to spend the night. We went to Steak and Shake for supper and then to see Jane at Von Maur. Olivia had a bear that she had won at school that needed some fluff so we did that and then came home and watched TV. They were supposed to be in bed by 8:30, but by the time they have had upteen drinks and go to the bathroom, brush teeth and read a story....I drew the limit when Livie wanted me to sing a song! LOL It was 9:00 p.m.
We went to Jerry's church this a.m. and no mention of politics today!!! I don't think it has it's place in church.
Today I would wish Pauline a Happy Birthday and hope that she will be able to mellow a little. Life is not fair, but it is also short and we have to make the best of it. If I were able, I would make Gary's eyes better and take away the ringing in his ears, and I would take away Margie's addiction to cigarettes. We all need to keep our "spunk" but keep the anger at bay. I wish my Dad could have lived long enough to see me finally free of the nicotine habit. He tried soooo hard to get me away from that bad habit. Today, I am not going to wrap my mind around negative thoughts.
Just for today, I will NOT buy something that I don't need....One day at a time...Alcohols....give up alcohol and drink tons of coffee......one addiction leads to another....hopefully a better one!!!!
Until Later,
"I surrender all "
18 June 2008
Running Wild Day
This is swim day at the Y. After the Y, I picked up Margie and she drove me to Davenport to purchase some new athletic shoes. I really wanted "Brooks" as I remember that is what I was wearing when I walked the Bix in 1989 (same year as Jane's birth). There were only 2 stores that carried that brand. Dick's Sporting Goods and Running Wild. I thought I had tested Gary's patience with my shopping, but it was nothing compared to what I did to Margie today.
I did manage to get some shoes but not Brooks, they are called " Saucony". I never heard of them before, but they seem quite comfortable. I will try them out tomorrow. We ate lunch at the old "Ground Round", Mexican now and very good. After I dropped Margie off at her home, I went on to South Park and took some alterations to Penneys for Gary and then to the Credit Union and of course Von Maur, but I am boycotting the plus size dept at Von Maur because she wanted me to return some things to another store. I did pre order some Estee Lauder. I did not see Jane's car there today.
I have been busy ever since I got home around 3 p.m. I watched Tim Russert's Memorial service and then supper. I hemmed a pair of shorts for Gary and washed all his towels from downstairs. He only brings them up when he runs out!!!! That is 3 loads full.....yikes.
It is now 8 p.m. and I am tired....no nap today. Tomorrow will be another busy day.
WW walking and I need to make a salad that I did not get to today.
I love this weather.....can't wait to wear my new shoes, but I will not sleep with them tonight...(Beth) but I did pull out a pink t-shirt to match the pink and silver shoes. I am obsessed....
17 June 2008
Walking in Homewood
I was up at 6 and walking at 6:45 with Vida. She keeps everyone on their toes around the neighborhood. I noticed when we are walking that she notices much more than I do. I am not tuned into weeds, broken trees etc.
Margie was here this a.m. to finish cleaning. She also needed a hat for one of Max's friends at school. (Camp Invention)
GAry is still working and he has to purchase a new shower head for his Mom and install it sometime today. Max has a ball game at 5 p.m. Perhaps we will stop at Stashus and get a sandwich.
I think I will call my brother and see if everything is okay. It is unusual for him not to answer my emails to him.
It is nice today...about 75 degrees....lovely..
Until later,
p.s. I did talk with Chris this a.m.
16 June 2008
Sunny Mon morning
A usual day, but with sunshine, what a relief. It is cool today....very pleasant. We were up early as Gary had to be a work at 7:00 a.m. I went to the Y at 8:00 a.m. and actually put all my clothes on after showering. I had a meeting to attend at 10:00a.m.
I am home now and see that my "cleaning lady' has been here. How blessed I am to have her....I don't know where my time goes.....I never seem to get it all done. Could it be that I am a bit slower??? oh NO!!! I missed Chris' call again....maybe tomorrow.
I have a pedicure appt in about 1/2 hour and then another meeting tonight....so see you all on Tues.
Love to all......Until later,
15 June 2008
Father's Day
We did to to Geneseo last night to listen to Russ Morgan's orchestra and we took Karen along. She spent so much time picking out Mickey and Minnie mouse that we did not have much time to see the rest of the crafts. We got rained out at the concert.
I just wanted to reflect on my own father today. My earliest memory of him was when I would come downstairs in the a.m....(probably sat or sun as he was always working) and crawled into bed with him and he made up stories. Then I remember when we had scarlet fever he could not come to the house and he held up a teddy bear outside the window. When he was home, I loved to unlace his boots and I remember there was a knife on the side. My mother used to say that he never lifted a finger to put on shoes, clothes, etc. for either me or my brother. I am sure he was not perfect, but when I think back, I cannot remember anything that was not perfect about him. He never cursed, yelled, spanked, and yet he did not need to. You always knew he expected you to do what was "right". I could go on and on ...but the main thing to remember about him...was his constant prayer for you. Through all my turbulents in my life, it was my dad who constantly prayed for me and I would see little miracles happening.
I know that I have inherited his laughter and my optimistic view on life from him. Some people used to say he was not realistic, I like being optimistic better.
We are spending a quiet day at home today. God Bless Gary today, he is a constant Husband, Father and Grandpa.
To all the Dad's today...Happy father's Day and remember that your children will still remember those little things when they are 70 some years old.
14 June 2008
Sat in Geneseo
Finally a day without rain. We went to Max's promotion at Karate from 10-11 a.m. and then went to Jake's base ball game.
Went to Panera's for lunch and then home for a short nap before we go to Geneseo. They are having their usual celebration for Father's day. There will be vendors in the Park and then a steak supper with ice cream social. Russ Morgan's band is playing in the band shell. I called Karen to see if she would like to go with us, as I remember that she liked Russ Morgan's music. Of course, Tobin will be coming along. Oh well, it is what it is!!!
Happy Father's Day to all you Fathers out there. As Tim would say " your children are standing on your shoulders". "Study hard, play hard and keep your honor."
13 June 2008
Friday the 13th...sad day
I am not sure why I felt so close to Tim Russert except for reading his two books. It feels like losing my father or brother. Tim died today.
I just said to Gary that this is the first time we have eaten at home on a Friday night in years and just then I heard the news about Tim.
I missed the pool this a.m. because Gary had an eye appt. in R.I.. After his appt. we went to Penney's to shop for Gary. Wow that is a challenge to get him to try on clothes at the store. I was determined to get him some jeans and shorts that actually fit his butt!! It was hard but I got the job done. After the shopping, we went to Ming Whan (sp) for lunch. Gary spent the afternoon helping Jake put one of his birthday gifts together. No rain yet today, but a lot of tornado warnings last night. Max's ball game was cancelled tonight. Max has his promotion at Karate tomorrow.
I am trying to talk Gary into going to Geneseo tomorrow. They always have a lot of vendors in the Park and then the Russ Morgan orchestra in the band shell at night. We will see....
Janie was so thoughtful to call me today to let me know about Tim. I was surprised that she knew how much I loved him. He was a good guy so I am sure there will be a place for him in Heaven.
Until Later,
12 June 2008
Another rainy day
I was up at 6 a.m. and walked with Vida 2 miles. I was so sure that I would lose weight at WW,but my past sins when Chris was here showed up!!! Oh well, it is what it is!!!
My classmate from Geneseo called me today and sort of gave me the job of treasurer for our class reunion. I think since it was my suggestion to go Short Hills, I better take on the job.
Gary worked again today and I went to the grocery store and spent $168.26....that is outrageous and I did not buy any meat except 4 brats. I napped for 1 hour and Jake's baseball game was called off so Gary went to get him and brought him home. He only wants famous amous and milk!!!
Gary will go to Stamp Club tonight if the weather does not get any worse. Tomorrow is Swim class and Gary has appt at the eye dr.
Gary and I sat on the porch last night and watched the 3rd Thin Man....
All for now....
Later Gator,
p.s. I must get with Jane to see what she wants to do for her birthday.
11 June 2008
Wed. June 11, 2008
Today would have been Jack and Dixie's wedding anniv. I forgot to mention it to her when I talked with her this p.m. I think 53 years.
Max's Party was a success. The kids seem sooo grown up for 3rd grade, or perhaps I have forgotten. Mr. B. the teacher even showed up for the party!! I came home about 1;30 and took my usual nap and then our power went out. We went to USA for dinner and when we came home, the power was back on. We went to Star at 7:30 and home again at 9:30.
Swim class today, stopped to pay taxes and then to K-mart to pick up some greeting cards. Usual nap of about an hour and I should be starting dinner soon. Not much going on today...just the usual laundry, etc. We will be home tonight. Gary is working.
10 June 2008
Sunshine at last
I only have 15 min to write this...I am due over to Margie's house to help with the after school party. Last day of school.
Sunday night was a milestone, as we attended Jake's Birthday party and G. Phyllis was there. It was the first time we had all been together ever. Phyllis is Gary's ex. It went quite well, after all it has been 15 years. Time makes things fade over the years. Never forgotten, but less important as time goes by.
Mon. I was back at swim class and everyone missed me. It is really nice to be missed. We are a close group of old fogies (sp). Last night I got Gary to watch "The Atonement" with me. It was a really good movie....maybe even better than the book.
I got up at 6 this a.m. to walk with Vida. It took us 45 min to walk up to 41st street and back. I think I may be a little slower than she, but after all she is 10 years younger. I did the walking and let her do the talking. She knows everything about the neighborhood. All the people across the street from us did not have power last night.
Gary's mom called this a.m. and we have to stop over to put the slats back in her bed. I wonder how much jumping she does on that bed the slats are forever falling out. LOL
I must go...looks like a restaurant night tonight and Star later.
p.s. I have some issues with our new pastor.....he is anti-gay. More later....
08 June 2008
Chris visits
Chris and LC arrived Wed night about 9 p.m. I made taco soup and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Beth and Jane tried it out after WW. Beth and Jane are looking so cute.
Thurs was a full day...we all went to see Max at karate and then to Geneseo to view my old house on Oakwood Ave. We all ate dinner at the Boulevard restaurant downtown Geneseo, which used to be the old Palace Cafe.
Friday all kids were here for dinner and I made Lasagna, Margie brought the salad and Beth the garlic bread. And everyone had a good time.....doing ad-libs with Max.
Sat. was hot and humid....I stayed in most of the day and Beth had a wonderful turkey dinner at her house and then the Chris' got to see the talent show from Logan. We were all home by 9 and watched the remainder of "The thin Man".
Sun. a.m. Gary brought me a cup of coffee in bed and I proceeded to spill the whole cup on the carpet, my shoes, my nightgown......Ugh...that was enough to wake me up!!!
Chris left this morning for Chicago to see his dad and then back to S.F. on Mon.
We will be going to Jake's birthday party this p.m.
I feel somewhat sentimental.....not sure why...I am presently reading "Big Russ and Me" and I think that book is on the sentimental side with quotes we all hear from our parents at one time or another.
Water exercise tomorrow.....back to normal stuff.....
Later Gator,
04 June 2008
Jake's 8th birthday today
Gary went to work at 6 a.m. today. Yesterday I had my hair color enhanced and trimmed (?) it is kind of short, but okay.
Congratulations to Beth and Dan on their new car. We went for a short ride last night...very nice. You deserve and we are pleased that you shared your joy with us.
Jason got a promotion and had to do some entertaining last night. Jake and Olivia were dropped off after school and we took Jake to try outs for the traveling soccer team. He had strict orders from Mom to not eat any snacks or do any shopping!!! Okay, Mom only one pkg of famous Amos. For supper I divided 1/2 lb of hamburger into 4 patties and we had mininture cheeseburgers and chips. It is just enough for his little appetite. Livie is another story...she will eat or drink just about anything any time. Olivia needs a lot of patience and that is not Gary's best suit so I try to keep her close to me. It reminds me of Margie when she was little. She could test your patience somewhat and I would keep her close to me.
Chris and Chris will arrive tonight and I better get cooking! I am going to make cookies and some taco soup. I need to do a little grocery shopping and check out bathrooms, etc. Margie will be here this a.m. to help with the cleaning.
I cut Joe's picture out of the paper today....Wow that is really high above that airplane at the airport. Good job Joe.
02 June 2008
Hotel California
soooo...you really are reading my blog!!! Okay, I have been busy getting ready for #1 son visiting on Wed. I am so looking forward to seeing him and cooking etc.
I had my mammogram on 27 May and I am always glad to get the news that everything looks normal. I have started taking "evening primrose oil" at night. I read on the internet that it is good for balancing hormones. Oh well....we will see....
Last Thurs. I had my Botox injection. It is a little uncomfortable, but considering what it does for me, I can't complain. We then went to North Park and I found a dress that I think really looks nice on me. It is really hard to find something that is not to short or not too bare, etc. This one I feel comfortable when wearing it.
Friday night we went to the Moose with Jim and Pauline. More about this later.....
Sat. noon I went the the Mother Daughter banquet at 1st Covenant Church with Gary's Mom. They really do things up nice with decorations, etc. Bernice looked really nice. She is 94 years old and really wants to look nice when going out. I think sometimes women lose this when they reach an old age. She had her hair done in the morning and was wearing a see- through blouse with a tee under and chopped pants. Her jewelry was very matching and she apologized for having to wear hose because her legs don't look like they did years ago.
After I came home, Gary wanted a date night!!! Surprise Surprise. I wanted Chinese, but both restaurants were CLOSED. We ended up eating at Bishops. Oh well, it is what it is. We then went to see "Sex and the City". I thought it was cute and liked the clothes, but I did not cry like Beth and Jane said they did.
Sun and Mon I spent cleaning and doing laundry. Vern was here to mow the lawn, but he is a little reckless, but better than nothing. We have such a little yard and he insists on using that riding mower and ran into our tree.
Tomorrow is hair day and Gary works all day. Wed. Chris and Chris will be here.
We received an invitation to Lora and Bill's 50th wedding anniversary. It is still a question if we will attend. Later on this too...
Until later
22 May 2008
Busy month of May
I had a wonderful Mother's day at Beth's house. The gifts were extraordinary and the food was soooo good. Chris called and sent his special gift from Amazon. I am assured that my kids and grandkids will never let me leave the house with my hair standing on end and dirty clothes. I see it happen quite often and it's assuring to know that it won't be you in your senior years. I just told Chris maybe I will move to CA. when I get old and he said "you are OLD!...LOL
We enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Abbey compliments of Augustana. (it helps to know people in high places) It is refreshing to be among all that culture and intelligence. We sat at a table with 2 lovely ladies who graduated in 1947! Wow and they were most entertaining and nice.
My brother's birthday was on the 19th of May and he is 75 years old. I called to wish him a happy birthday on his cell phone and he was just getting ready to put!!! Oh well, he should have had it turned off. Maybe he didn't want to miss any birthday calls.
I am sorry to say that the ants came back and I quit using the dishwasher for over a week. Gary was sweet and dried dishes even though he did not believe the ants were in the dishwasher. The Pest control came one more time and I hope and pray that this is the end of it. I read that ants will not cross the chalk line so there's chalk everywhere. Chris wants to know if that's why they always put a chalk line around the dead body!!! What a quick wit he has!!!! I love it when we are all together because we really laugh a lot.
Today was bridge club at my house. I served queich (sp) with honeydew melon and cantalope. Village Inn pie...lemon supreme. After everyone left, I took an hour nap. I was invited to a jewelry party tonight, but the hostess did not show up...so I was home early.
Gary took his mother to lunch and to the Dr. to get her Vitamin B12 shot.
I am looking forward to seeing Max tomorrow and hope he will spend the night. Sat. is Olivia's dance recital.
I hope Jane and Maggie are through with their finals. I forgot to tell them to pull their ears before the exam. That is what our teacher used to tell us at J.D. She said it would stimulate your brain.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone!!!
10 May 2008
a day with Max
Max spent most of the day with us. We ate lunch at Steak and Shake and then went shopping at Target. He is a good eater and does not waste his food. Picked out a DS game and a Sponge Bob Beach towel.
I have only seen one ant since the Pest man was here on Thurs. I am still leery of putting anything back in the cupboards. This has been a really bad experience, but I should really put it in the past. I am not sure I will ever open the dishwasher again without looking for ants. I am still washing dishes by hand. Well, enough, it is what it is!!!
I just started reading "Last Lecture". I talked with Chris today and he seems to be okay. I am grateful that all my kids seem healthy and happy. That makes for a wonderful Mother's day.
More later,
07 May 2008
Okay the ants are back....but they are NOT going to win!! I have been depressed the last several days because I thought I was rid of them, but not so. We came home last night and the dishwasher was full of them. I had an appt for the Pest guy to come today, but I have company coming from AZ at noon. I couldn't have them here then! He will come back tomorrow and I will hog tie him until he settles the problem. I have almost every cupboard emptied and disinfected, not using the dishwasher, have my spray bottle of windex handy, but I am really a nervous wreck. Those who know me, know I like a clean kitchen and this is just too much. Gary says it is a test of my patience.....I don't think he prayed hard enough to get rid of them.
Later Gator,
Less than patient Pat
p.s. I turned the air on as soon as Gary left for work!
05 May 2008
Spring is actually here!
It has been awhile, so I need to catch up. Friday was an all day shopping trip to Peoria with my friends from Geneseo. Sandra had 20% off coupons for us to shop at Macy's and if you opened an account you get another 20% off. Of course, we couldn't pass that by. I bought my first pair of burmuda shorts and a cute aqua sweat suit to wear on Sun. to walk in the MS walk with Karen. Friday evening Gary met us in Geneseo with Olivia and Jake and we went to the Moose. Since I already had a glass of wine at Dixie's, it didn't seem to bother me that Jim and Pauline were not speaking and Gary was frustrated from baby-sitting. (No patience)
Max was here Sat. p.m. and I fell asleep while he was playing video games. He is getting to be a big boy. Makes me feel quite old!!!
Sunday we went to church and then I went with "Tobin" and Karen to Bettendorf for the 3 mile walk. It was a pretty walk, but I have to admit, I was tired and I am sure Karen and I were the oldest on the walk. Most everyone else had baby strollers.....and they passed us up. It took us 1 1/2 hrs to walk 3 miles!!! Sun. evening we went with the E.Star people to Country fixin for supper and then played Euchre (I can't believe I spelled that right).
Mon. Gary had a stress test all morning. We stopped to pick up our air filter that was being repaired and I stopped at the beauty shop. Stacey was still there....I wish I could have her cut my hair again, but it is soooo hard to depend on someone to take me over there. She is so sweet and really good. I am so glad she finally got rid of the jerk and is engaged to someone nice. She was just too good for that other guy. Anyway, we got caught up on her news and maybe I will have her do my color next time. Tomorrow Cindy is cutting my hair, if she messes it up...I am history.
Until later,
p.s. I don't like "A wolf at the table" I think he wrote one too many memoirs!
30 April 2008
14th wedding anniversary
Today was Gary and my 14th wedding anniversary. I think we have aged some....we have already been to Home Depot, out to dinner (Biaggis) and Gary is already asleep in his chair! It is only 7 p.m.
It has been a good day...we both went to the Y....I go to the pool and Gary goes upstairs to exercise. We were home about 9:30 and then Margie came to clean the house and help me rid my refrigerator of all things with overdue expiration dates. Hmmm we eat out too much and then things get pushed to the back.
I really did not do anything productive today and managed to get a little nap in about 1p.m. I am just about finished with "Loving Frank" and about to start on " a Wolf at the Table".
I am reading more now more than any other time in my life. It seems like I was either busy with kids or tired from working. Everyday I am wanting to hurry with whatever I need to do so I can sit down and read.
Yesterday I returned to WW and fully expected to gain a lot of weight, since I ate through my whole birthday week! Surprising, I lost 1/2 a lb. Anyway, it gives me new hope in continuing to stay in control. I brought a box home tonight from the restaurant and did not have tiramusi.
We did not buy anniversary gifts, as we are still planning to decorate the screened in porch. If the weather would just get a little warmer, we could start working on the project.
Well, nothing much on the agenda for tomorrow, but there are a million things I could do around here. Friday Geneseo girls and myself will go to Peoria to shop at Macy's.
Patty Ann, Patsy Montana, Sister Ann
28 April 2008
Birthday outing with grandchildren and Daughter
Hi everyone,
I ended my week happily with lunch with Maggie, Jane, and Beth at the Library and then shopping at North Park. I rarely go there because I don't drive across the bridge...so that was a treat for me.
Trying on clothes was a little depressing. Sometimes I feel like I am on the black line at the pool where we step from one side of the line to the other. That is the way I feel about my weight. One side of me says...you really need to get this under control and the other side says....you are 72 and do I really care???? Oh well today is another day and I feel pretty much in control. I have not eaten one dark choc. yet. However, it is only 10:30 a.m.
Margie came over and we all watched "Juno" together. It was the second time for most of us, but I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. I think what I liked about it, was how the people were so real and the houses and neighborhoods were like real people. The Dad was really good in the show...just a real guy but he wanted what was best for his "Junebug". I liked the step-mother also as she was also committed to Juno and her cause. I am not a fan of Jennifer Garner....I don't really know why.
I cooked a roast for dinner last night and invited Gary's mother over. She rarely eats a really good meal for herself. I try to have her over when I cook, but isn't too often. She likes seeing the flowers and trees in bloom. Without saying she doesn't get to look out the window when she drives at age 95! Gary picks her up and takes her home.
The Pest man was here today and I hope that is the last I see of the ants! He said to call him if they come back. I am appalled that I had to pay a $4.00 fuel surcharge.
We are looking forward to seeing Max in the talent show tonight at Logan. More later
23 April 2008
Battle with the Ants
I have spent the whole week celebrating my birthday and I am not done yet.
I have been fighting with the big black ants!!! Gary thinks I am getting obsessive about it, but the Pest control cannot come until Mon. Just when I think I have them all, another shows up. I have cleared the countertop of everything so I can get a good hit at them. GRRRR.
We visited Jake and Olivia's classroom today at Franklin. It was the book fair. Jake is very shy in school. Not much has changed since Maggie and Jane were there and all the teachers remembered them. I thought Mrs. Keppy was kind of short with the children. Maybe it is a good thing this is her last year. Mrs. Edwards is still the music teacher and she is really good with the kids.
The Golden girls (my classmates) had lunch today at Lavender Crest Winery. We had a meeting discussing our plans for our 55th class reunion next year. We decided not to meet their because they charge $250 rental and then we would have to share the room. Most are not in to the loud music any more.
I started my new book "Loving Frank". I need to get something on my goodread site.
Chris will be here June 4th and that will be my goal to have the porch done....I hope the ants are gone.
It is after 10 p.m.
Until Later,
21 April 2008
My 72nd birthday
Hi Kids,
Yesterday was my 72nd birthday (72 reminds me of "orange and blue in '72") and Huppert 4 squared....which I never really knew what that meant. That was in the past and this is now. My birthday was one of my happiest yesterday. Gary really is with me on redoing the porch and we purchased the porch swing. It is sort of sitting in the middle of a mess right now, but I can vision it to be in one of our favorite places this summer.
Beth and Dan and Margie and Scott and Max invited Gary and I to the Cellar restaurant (my favorite) last night for dinner. I never tire of their charcoaled broiled shrimp and the crisp lettuce. Max says "is this moist lettuce or dry like ours Mom?" I love it...almost as much as are "black pancakes ok to eat?"
After dinner Maggie and Jane joined us for ice cream and cake. Cake made by Margie and also my favorite....white with white frosting. My gifts were really unique. I can't describe the inspiration blocks of wood or I would be here all day. I will say that I find it fun to put a new saying up every so often. We have made a date for Sat. for all of us to watch "Juno". I love Ellen Page and I hope she will become a GREAT actress you won't forget about soon.
I missed going to the pool this a.m.....but I am going to get a pedicure at 11:15. I wish I had the nerve to wear the "satin blue" that Beth had on last night. HMMMM I think I shall look at the new colors today. Who cares????
Tomorrow the girls from Geneseo and myself will be going to Peoria for lunch, Macy's and Trader Joes.
Later Gator,
Patricia Swanson Vandemore Davison Hansen....WOW....I could be 92 with that resume....Ha Ha!!!!
17 April 2008
Cat emergency at Karen's house
Dear readers,
Yesterday would have been somewhat uneventful, except I received a frantic call from my friend Karen. Seems she is doing some remodeling in her bathroom and the floor was rotted out in a small section. Marley (the cat) fell in the hole. Gary thinks she just went down there to look around. Anyway, I went over to help her....considering that I dislike cats this was a big favor. She was down on her hands and knees with a flashlight trying to coax Marley out of the hole. She was talking to that cat like it was her child....."Mommy's not mad at you, please come out" Hmmmm my only suggestion was...go and get her favorite treats and then she may come out. What do you know the cat hater solved the problem!!!!
Last night I watched 3 episodes of Clatterford BBC video. A birthday gift from Chris. It took me a little while to catch on to the accent, but then I really got into the story. It is nice to start at the beginning and know what is going on. I think it is a bunch of old biddies that belong to a church club and the Vicar is very funny. He would be funnier if he had to deal with Hyainth (sp). Anyway, I couldn't help noticing the difference between (I can't believe I had to sound that word out) Back to the video....in our sitcoms you wouldn't see anyone in torn clothes and pulling people around in wagons hooked up to J.D. tractors. One of the ladies has 2 personalities and one is looney as a looney bird with her false teeth falling out!!! I can't wait to get back to the grieving widow who now has her daughter and grandson (who happens to be black) living with her. Hmmmmm that has not been explained yet.
Gary has a Dr. appt. this p.m. and I am hoping that he will stop at Home Depot and get some things that need to be done around here. I am pouting about my porch, he keeps leading me on and then OOPs! Sorry....Oh well, I have everything I need and "it is was it is".
I am sooo looking forward to my birthday week! It starts with Sun. going to my favorite restaurant (the Cellar). and everyday is a celebration with the end very special with lunch with my 2 granddaughters on Sat. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and great friends.
Later Gator
Yesterday would have been somewhat uneventful, except I received a frantic call from my friend Karen. Seems she is doing some remodeling in her bathroom and the floor was rotted out in a small section. Marley (the cat) fell in the hole. Gary thinks she just went down there to look around. Anyway, I went over to help her....considering that I dislike cats this was a big favor. She was down on her hands and knees with a flashlight trying to coax Marley out of the hole. She was talking to that cat like it was her child....."Mommy's not mad at you, please come out" Hmmmm my only suggestion was...go and get her favorite treats and then she may come out. What do you know the cat hater solved the problem!!!!
Last night I watched 3 episodes of Clatterford BBC video. A birthday gift from Chris. It took me a little while to catch on to the accent, but then I really got into the story. It is nice to start at the beginning and know what is going on. I think it is a bunch of old biddies that belong to a church club and the Vicar is very funny. He would be funnier if he had to deal with Hyainth (sp). Anyway, I couldn't help noticing the difference between (I can't believe I had to sound that word out) Back to the video....in our sitcoms you wouldn't see anyone in torn clothes and pulling people around in wagons hooked up to J.D. tractors. One of the ladies has 2 personalities and one is looney as a looney bird with her false teeth falling out!!! I can't wait to get back to the grieving widow who now has her daughter and grandson (who happens to be black) living with her. Hmmmmm that has not been explained yet.
Gary has a Dr. appt. this p.m. and I am hoping that he will stop at Home Depot and get some things that need to be done around here. I am pouting about my porch, he keeps leading me on and then OOPs! Sorry....Oh well, I have everything I need and "it is was it is".
I am sooo looking forward to my birthday week! It starts with Sun. going to my favorite restaurant (the Cellar). and everyday is a celebration with the end very special with lunch with my 2 granddaughters on Sat. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and great friends.
Later Gator
12 April 2008
The month of April
Hi to all my readers.....
The month of April is very special to me, as I will celebrating my 72nd birthday and Gary and my 14th anniversay. Hmmmm seems longer than that.... You could always count on the weather being nice and springee when my birthday comes around, but not sure about this year. My Dad was born on the same day as me and we always celebrated together when he was alive. He would be 103 if he were still alive on 20 April, 2008. Every year it seems like I have something to do every day of the week of my birthday. I guess that isn't too bad for an old lady, but a little frustrating for me if you know how I like to keep everything in some order. A little ADD there I think. Who knows.
I just finished "The Boelyn inheritance" book and Gary threaten to hide it because I was ignoring him. I think he was just worried about his stomach. I am not sure why I am attracted to the books that are somewhat gruesome.....and have now bought 2 more of Gregory's books about Henry VIII. I think I will read something a little lighter in between. I guess it is just my nature when I start on one thing...I just keep obsessing??? Is that the word I want to use. Like I go from all Blue to all RED. All gold jewelry and then all silver. Yikes!!!
Last night we attended a benefit at the Arsanal Country club with Doris and Bill Park and Scott and Margery. We were invited by Doris. I thought it was very elegant, but Gary was grumby...not sure why except that he had to wear a tie and then reminded me that it was not necessary. Ok...I am going to quit dressing him...just because I think I do a better job...I need to let him be himself. Just writing and venting....this too shall pass and "it is what it is".
Okay now about this Church thing....boy I am in a mess!!! I wish I would have kept my mouth shut about being upset with the unChristen Friendship tea. Now we have Jerry's Church....Elim, First Covenant, Lesley wants us to visit her church and I know we would be welcome at Margie's church......Oh boy.....Gary is completely mesmerized by Jerry and I like him too. This will work out.....I am confident.
"Juno" is on DVD and I think that I shall either buy it or rent it today....I loved that movie almost as much as the "good bye Girl.
Patty Ann
05 April 2008
Bonding time with Max
This was a very unique day spending most of the day with Max. He does not have a lot of free time to spend with us and we were so looking forward to being with him today.
We started the day by going to a meeting in Eldridge, IA., a support group for people who have the "neck" like me. My Dr. was the key speaker. I am most grateful everyday for Botox. It keeps me somewhat normal and sane.
We had lunch at Panera's and then picked Max up at his house. We first went to a model RR display and then to South Park to look for a webcan (sp). We first went to Kirlins, but he was a little shopper and wanted to go to Coach House. After much thought he picked a brown doggie, which he named Chocolate. Jane was working so we wandered down there and picked up some blue crocs for him for spring. I asked him if he wanted to get Chinese or have pancakes for dinner. He chose pancakes at home. We needed to go grocery shopping and had much help from Max. While he was registering his doggie, I was making pancakes. I called him for dinner and he took one look at the pancakes and said "is it okay to eat black pancakes?" Gary and I could not keep a straight face. Now I have to admit that I am 72 years old and have more than 50 years of cooking, but I have to admit that I am not as good a cook as my daughters!!!!
He cleaned his plate with two big (black) pancakes and 2 sausages (that he picked up at the grocery), a glass of milk and wanted to know what was for dessert!!!! He suddenly remembered that he had picked up a little container of mint choc. chip ice cream.
It was a happy day with Max and later a visit from the girls. Maggie looked so cute with her pigtails and Jane in her new burmuda shorts.
Gary kept a low profile, but always willing to drive us around.
We have a busy week coming up with Eastern Star stuff and Gary has a MRI on Wed. I will keep you posted.
Love and Hugs,
03 April 2008
Everyday things
I am going to a Red Hat luncheon today with Dixie, Carol Jo, and Verla. It suddenly occurred to me that all 3 are widows except me. life is changing for all of us. I read that to be able to stay healthy at an old age, you need to be adaptable. Well, I guess we really don't have a choice. Hmmmm I could work on my driving, but I have gotten along so far.....
I started back at the Y swim class and WOW I do feel so much better. I didn't realize what a difference it makes in your mobility. I love all the people in the class, they each have a special personality and we seem to know each other really well by first name only.
Beth and Dan were here for dinner last night. It sometimes startles me a bit to see them without the girls, but this will be more and more. They have done a good job of raising those girls and I am confident that they will get their educations and have a good life. I am always grateful that I had my parents for parents....some kids just don't have a chance at life without good parenting.
Gary is working today and has finally settled down to the $71.00 I spent for the butter boat for Lora. What else do you get for someone who has everything????
I am sooo grateful today that the sun in shining and that Margie has cleaned by house so I can go galavating (sp) around. I am grateful for Beth and her new figure and her job that she loves at Augie. I am grateful for Chris for calling me everyday on the train. So sweet....I can't wait to see him. I have everything I need.....but there's always something to want!!!!!
Til Later
ps. I forgot to give Beth the better picture of us.....
30 March 2008
The rest of the train trip
We have had guest in the house ever since we came home on the 19th. Today is 30 Mar and I think we are alone.
Before it leaves my mind, I want to talk about the rest of our train trip. When we finally arrived in Palm Springs, we were to pick up Lora's car and the keys were hidden in the gas cap. In case anyone every owns a Mercedes, remember that when you lock the car, you also lock the gas cap. The car is 20 years old, but never noticed that the gas cap locks when the doors are locked. We were in very good (luck) or karma because I talked with a man at the station who was just there with his 2 little boys on a Sun. afternoon ride. He happened to be the former chief of police of Palm Springs and also a present council member. He was able to get the police and the locksmith within minutes.
We were so tired when arriving at Lora and Bill's house. I went straight to the shower and washed my hair 3 days on the train without a shower is awful. We went to bed before Lora and Bill got home from L.A. We did not see them until the next morning. Our stay with them was just wonderful. The weather was sunny and warm about 80 degrees. Janet and Ray (Jan being my other classmate) came into town on Mon night from Mt. View, CA. Bill and Ray played some golf while Gary sat by the pool. One day they took the gondola (sp) up the side of the mountain. The girls did all girls things, like shopping, getting our hair done, and also took in a movie. The movie has inspired me to read all the books about Henry of England. The movie did not get good reviews, but we liked "The other Bolen Girl"
After our vacation in the sun Bill took us to the train station and of course it was at least 2 hours late. We met most interesting people on the train. Every dining experience was with a different person. One man was a sciencetist (sp) who claims he healed himself of cancer after he had ordered his coffin, etc. He was on his 5th wife. Another was a teacher from Germany on holiday and he was headed for Mexico before returning to Germany. We ate with many couples from Maine and Vt. Many going to visit their kids in AZ. or CA. I noticed that there were many more women traveling alone than men. Could be because we were in the sleeper car. I am sure of one thing, most people who travel by train are deathly afraid of flying. There was one woman who had her dog with her. Dogs are not allowed on the train, but she claimed it was for therapy. It was a hoot to see her get out of the train for a smoke break with the little dog with his pink raincoat on. Our last person across the way from us was a single mother with a 18 month old son. She was running away from a violent relationship....had no job, no education. I just kept wondering how that little boy will every have a chance for a good life.
On Tues Mar 18 the announcement was made that we had good news and bad news. The bad news was a tornado had just past the town we were coming in to. The good news is will be getting off the train and getting on a bus. The rails were flooded We were on the bus all night from Long View, TX to St. Louis MO. (not fun) In St Louis the conductor said we would not make our connection to Galesburg and would have to stay overnight in Chicago or get off in Bloomington, Il. and bus to Galesburg. We decided we just wanted to get home at that point and chose to get off the train in Bloomington. Scott picked us up in Galesburg and home around 9p.m.
Tomorrow will be more of a normal day if any of our days are really normal. I will go to the Y and swim class and Gary will go to rehab exercise and then we have a meeting after that. Jake will come over after school while Olivia goes to dance class.
More later.
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