19 January 2010

It is Tues Already????

How time flies....Sunday we went to church and later the kids came for supper and "we all had a good time." Monday was a crazy day....let the dogs..take Gramma Hansen to the foot Dr., made brownies for a meeting. I had a dr. appt in the p.m. and then went to the C.U. which was not open and to S.P. to pick up some cosmetics, which they did not have. I managed to get through the store without buying anything except an E.F. T-shirt marked down $78.00 to $19.00. The surprise was that Jane who works in upscale casual was really nice...Stasha was the only one I liked in that dept.

later in the evening we went to a Star meeting and served lunch...Gary and I were both tired when we got home around 10:30.

I am really trying to keep Gary out of the sweets and Carbs.....the weight is not that much of an issue, but I worry about his eyes going bad (he needs to see to drive me around LOL), the kidneys failing, the heart and the worse side effect of diabetes is losing a limb. We must start taking time to cook and exercise. It seems like we are always on the run....silly when we are both retired.

I have been noticing that my left eyelid twitches.....I am wondering if that is part of my neck problem. I think I will look it up on the internet. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

We were out early this a.m. to go to Lesley's house and the fallen snow was just lovely. I am not usually out that early in the morning. However, I have not done anything since then and it is now 11:15 a.m. i am still in my p.js. Oh well, nothing much going on today except a meeting tonight.

I hope we will be able to go to Chicago on Thurs. If we wait until Sat....maybe the girls will go too...so that is okay too.

I am grateful for many things....but as i read the paper this a.m.....I am most grateful that Jane and Maggie are really careful drivers and don't drink and drive or ride with anyone who does.


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