23 February 2010


yesterday was not the greatest!!! I have not done anything different, and I did have my twitter back a lot yesterday. I think perhaps I think about it too much. Gary went to the eye Dr. and I did not go with him, because it is a woman and for some reason I sense that they don't appreciate me being in the room. They did not find anything new with his eyes and put in a temp. prism in one lense. Sometimes there are things that we just have to live with, unfortunately. He is very moody, but I don't walk in his moccasins.

My brother sent me an email that Pauline had her surgery and he was not able to come down because she is needing more help than she thought. Hmmmmm she now HAS to talk to him. Interesting.....I sometimes think things happen for a reason....time will tell.

Gary and I went with Margie to Max's play. I just look at those kids and wonder what each will have to offer to the world someday. I am sure they will be our Dr.s and lawyers, accountants, and professionals in another just 10 years. Ten years goes by so fast.

Dorothy will be coming over with her new outfit for her class reunion. I must keep in mind that her style is not my style...so be non-judgemental.

Tomorrow I start my water class at the Y and then playing bridge with Joan. I will not miss that because Joan does not get out at all and she so enjoys playing bridge.

My thought for today; "be kinder than necessary, because everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Pollyanna Patty

21 February 2010

Sunday Brunch

We enjoyed a very lovely brunch with Joe and Beth and the girls. They make a very nice couple...I hope everything works out well for them.

Dixie called to say she could not play bridge on Fri..so I will be able to attend my water class and then we are going to Macy's in Peoria to do some shopping.

Even though there are no signs of spring, there are a lot of activities springing up for Spring.

Gary has an eye appt. tomorrow morning in Bettendorf...I hope he can get some help with the right glasses. He has to take his mom to the eye dr. in the p.m. and I will go with Margie to Max's school play.

Thought for today is just silly....."easy peasy, lemon squeezey"


18 February 2010

no twitter...but need tweaking

Today I want to give thanks for the favor of Jane's bubbling personality....you can't learn it.....it is a gift. Maggie has the favor of very logical thinking....someone you want around when you may be in a state of indecision. The favor of Max's quiet intelligence. Quietness is very peaceful. The favor of Margie and her quick wit which keeps us laughing and her strong character. Someone you always want on your side. The favor of Scott and his commitment to family and church. The favor of Beth and her self-confidence to step out of the box and be her own person. The favor of Chris who always remembers to call and he has the favor of being the most honest person I know. (Sometimes it is a curse to be so honest). It is a gift. The favor of Gary for being predictable.....some people have it and others not. It is heaven to know that you are not running around on empty!!!

My thought for today:::: "Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but Silence Breaks the Heart"

Tomorrow I will write about my favor, but that should take up the whole blog!!!



15 February 2010

Monday more snow

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. We went to church with Margie, Scott, and Max, and then to brunch at the Lodge. It was a very nice lunch and I learned what a "benie" is. At first I thought they were referring to George Lopez's Mom. LOL Margie is funny. I felt a really good connection between Margie and Scott. They make such a good looking couple and I wish all the favor that they deserve.

In the afternoon Beth came to do some laundry. We had a nice talk about her interesting adventures. We never know where our lives will take us in the journey of life. I feel more confident about the future of my kids than ever before.

If I could get Gary well...my life would be sweeter than it already is. His personality is not as positive than mine, but I always have to account for the fact that we come from much different backgrounds. Mine was much less critical and free spirited than his life. We are a good match....he has so much talent, but does not think so because for so many years of degrading. Well, I am not the therapist....so just take care of Patty Ann. I was a product of "daddy's girl" and my ever generous and protective Mom.

My thought for today is "he who gives...gathers"


13 February 2010

Sunny Saturday

Today we went to a funeral for a 97 year old lady. There were only 10 people there. I suppose if you live that long, most of your friends and family are all gone.

I have decided to go back to my swimming class. Now that we are not going to FL. I have the time to do it. I like walking for exercise, but I am fearful that my knee will give out on me and I would really like to pass on knee replacement if I could.

Gary is somewhat better, but still off balance. I think it may be his eyes since I notice that he keeps changing one pair of glasses to another.

I finished the memoir of Chesley Sullenberger. I don't often have favorite heros, but this book touched me by his integrity, as he says in the book "integrity is doing the right thing when it is not convenient". I recommend this book....what a man. It is refreshing to read about someone who doesn't always think about just himself and always giving the credit where credit is due. He is not a greedy man. He is still wearing the water soaked shoes that he had on when he landed in the Hudson. Besides my dad, I have also been very touched by Tim Russert....I cried for days when he passed away.

We ate out last night and then went to North Park for awhile. I am looking for magazines on how to decorate my bedroom, but they are all about kitchens and bathrooms. Once I decide on a color, it should not be toooo difficult.

As much as I don't want to say this I must...no twitter for 3 days.......no caffeine, alcohol, choc. and I am still drinking that God awful tonic water. Stay tuned....does anybody read this????

Until later,

Pat Swanson Vandemore Davison Hansen......can you get all that on the tombstone????LOL

11 February 2010

cold day

Gary finally slept in bed last night. He seems better to me, but very lethargic and not his usual self right now. Hopefully, this too shall pass.

I have mundane things to do today....but that may be refreshing after all the chaos in the past week.

I won 2nd high at bridge yesterday!!! Yippee....I finally found some people I play with and win.

More later....Gary home today.

Thought for today...."look at the facts before you get your knickers in a twist. "


p.s. no twitter yet today.....but it is early....I miss my coffee....I miss being a size 12 too, but that's not going to happen. LOL

10 February 2010

more snow

I think I could really be somewhere warm (not hot), but I am always grateful for my nice warm house and the people who come and go here.

Gary is still sleeping in his chair at night. It seems very strange to reach over and he is not there. Hopefully, this shall pass soon and he will be back where be belongs. I went to the Dr. with him yesterday....but I guess I am always suspicious and don't believe that he just has an inner ear problem. Time will tell.....

Janie's car is back in garage and I hope that this time it will be repaired for at least to get through the winter. I feel so bad for her walking in this snow and freezing temps.

I will be going to Joan's today to play bridge, but nothing pressing except getting Jane's car to her sometime today.

Still clean....no caffeince, alcohol, choc. and drinking tonic water.....twitter is better but not gone. I lost a pound....no exercise, but probably because I haven't had any choc. Yikes!!! I will have withdrawal signs soon.

Thought for today.....think about the people in your life

Who matters
Who never did
Who won't anymore
And who always will.

Always a Mom

08 February 2010

hate to make phone calls

I had to cancel our FL. trip to Naples. It just seemed to risky to be driving with Gary's condition. He has been dizzy and off balance since Thurs. night. He can't seem to put his head down. Anyway, I hate losing our deposit, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I will make Dr. appts. today, and hopefully it will be a simple inner ear problem. Is anything ever "simple'? The bright side is that we have been everywhere and seen everything so....we are luckier than the average bear!!!

I spent the day with Maggie and we managed to get her laundry done and see Jane at work and do a little shopping. I love being with the girls and I liked that they talked about staying here when they were little.....how time flies..... Those girls have a special bond with each other. I always wanted a sister, even though I have a great brother, there is a special bond between sisters. I think that is why I have such close girlfriends. That reminds me that Dixie took me to a seminar and lunch on Sat. Dixie and I both have the same shoe fetish. Saturday night Gary and I went to the movies and saw "It's complicated". Funny but I think it helps if you have been through a divorce.

I am still clean with no caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and drinking tonic water with quinine....still have the twitter......this too shall pass (I hope)

Thought for today....take good care of your health and everything else will fall into place.

Patsy Montana

05 February 2010

unusual day

Yesterday we ordered the new bedroom windows and a new slider for the family room. Both were really needed. Ever since we lived here there has been a bb hole in one window in our bedroom. Of course, getting the windows is just the start....we need to tear off wallpaper and paint, etc. More later....

Gary was very out of sorts yesterday. He slept in his chair all night, which is very unusual. After lunch we planned just a simple trip over to Jane's to jump her car and take it to Farm & Fleet. We had quite an adventure with Jane's car stalling on J.D. road and had to have it towed to F.&F. All is well now and we went to dinner at the Village.

I have my little twitter back so I will not be writing everyday now....trying everything suggested online to get rid of the annoyance. Suggestions: rest eyes...stay away from the computer.....no caffeine, alcohol, use warm compresses, massage, and drink tonic water.....wow what's left????

My thought for today.."make friends with people you know you can call at 2 a.m. and they will help you".


04 February 2010

sleepless at Hansens

Gary had a really rare occurrence last night after going to bed. He was sure he had another bleed in his brain stem. If he did, there are no noticeable changes in his looks. I think when we return from FL. he should have another MRI and try to get into Mayo in Rochester.

Today Brad from Best Improvement will be coming to order our new windows. I think we really need the slider and I would like to replace the bedroom windows with 3 dbl. hungs. Then I can start working on taking down the wallpaper, etc. It has been up for 35 years...I think we need a change.

After lunch we will try out the new Garmin and try to get Jane's car running. I hope it will only be the battery, but whatever, she needs her car!!! I have some errands to run this p.m. and then I want to take Jane to the Village for supper.

Thought for the day.....'take good care of your health" you will need it when you get old so you can do the really fun things!!!!


03 February 2010


I really goofed yesterday and forgot to write in my blog....

I mainly worked on laundry and sewing yesterday. I hemmed Gary's sweats....I wish they looked a little better, but really they are SWEATs. I also sewed buttons on his work pants so he can use suspenders with the pants. I noticed he was wearing them today for work. I had to buy a new thimble to get through the material.

Dorothy and I went to the seamstress to have some clothes altered. I always have balloon pants because my waist is too big for my hiney.

It snowed Monday night and Vern did not shovel, I think Gary has scared him away. However, sometimes he would overdo and shovel when we only have an inch.....of snow. I will have to catch him next time. Vern is great, but he needs exact orders....and I am the one to do it!!!! LOL

I made a visit to Beth's apt. last night. As I was driving out of the garage, it occurred to me that it is seldom that I ever go anywhere by myself at night. Anyway, we had a nice talk and I hope to visit more with Margie and Beth. I think for many years I was so afraid of interfering in their married lives that I only went when I was invited.

I am still off the caffeine and choc. I miss both but it is better than twitching eyelid. I have noticed that if I get a little stressed, I have a little twitter....this too shall pass.

My thought for today is "Trust people who are trustworthy" It really hurts my feelings when people don't trust me.... I will never promise anything that I can't handle.

Daughter-in-law Pat

01 February 2010


I started the day making cakes for tonight. I am serving lunch for a meeting.

At 1 p.m. I went to the eye Dr. and agreed with Dr. Johnson that my twitch was not related to my other chronic problem. He said it is quite common and it would go away. Actually, I have not had a twitch for 2 days now. I have really cut back on my caffeine and chocolate.

I went to the sewing store to buy a thimble and then to S.P. to make a return. Later to the Foot Dr. to care for my sore toe. I am exhausted already and I haven't made the meeting yet.

I talked with Chris today and Margie for a little while.

We need to get Jane's car running. Dan is looking for a dip stick, but that won't get it running. I wish he would be more gracious about helping the girls with their cars, but I don't know the whole story.

My thought for today...always work from a list and do the hardest thing first.

The redhead

p.s. Have you ever noticed that redheads are always portrayed as either the wayward other woman or rather heavy and not so good looking????? Just a thought....I like my red hair.
