23 February 2010


yesterday was not the greatest!!! I have not done anything different, and I did have my twitter back a lot yesterday. I think perhaps I think about it too much. Gary went to the eye Dr. and I did not go with him, because it is a woman and for some reason I sense that they don't appreciate me being in the room. They did not find anything new with his eyes and put in a temp. prism in one lense. Sometimes there are things that we just have to live with, unfortunately. He is very moody, but I don't walk in his moccasins.

My brother sent me an email that Pauline had her surgery and he was not able to come down because she is needing more help than she thought. Hmmmmm she now HAS to talk to him. Interesting.....I sometimes think things happen for a reason....time will tell.

Gary and I went with Margie to Max's play. I just look at those kids and wonder what each will have to offer to the world someday. I am sure they will be our Dr.s and lawyers, accountants, and professionals in another just 10 years. Ten years goes by so fast.

Dorothy will be coming over with her new outfit for her class reunion. I must keep in mind that her style is not my style...so be non-judgemental.

Tomorrow I start my water class at the Y and then playing bridge with Joan. I will not miss that because Joan does not get out at all and she so enjoys playing bridge.

My thought for today; "be kinder than necessary, because everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Pollyanna Patty

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