03 February 2010


I really goofed yesterday and forgot to write in my blog....

I mainly worked on laundry and sewing yesterday. I hemmed Gary's sweats....I wish they looked a little better, but really they are SWEATs. I also sewed buttons on his work pants so he can use suspenders with the pants. I noticed he was wearing them today for work. I had to buy a new thimble to get through the material.

Dorothy and I went to the seamstress to have some clothes altered. I always have balloon pants because my waist is too big for my hiney.

It snowed Monday night and Vern did not shovel, I think Gary has scared him away. However, sometimes he would overdo and shovel when we only have an inch.....of snow. I will have to catch him next time. Vern is great, but he needs exact orders....and I am the one to do it!!!! LOL

I made a visit to Beth's apt. last night. As I was driving out of the garage, it occurred to me that it is seldom that I ever go anywhere by myself at night. Anyway, we had a nice talk and I hope to visit more with Margie and Beth. I think for many years I was so afraid of interfering in their married lives that I only went when I was invited.

I am still off the caffeine and choc. I miss both but it is better than twitching eyelid. I have noticed that if I get a little stressed, I have a little twitter....this too shall pass.

My thought for today is "Trust people who are trustworthy" It really hurts my feelings when people don't trust me.... I will never promise anything that I can't handle.

Daughter-in-law Pat

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