04 August 2010

wed. August 4, 2010


The weather radio I gave Gary for his birthday, nearly scared us out of bed at 2 a.m. this morning. I think there was a storm. That thing has to go into another room. I used to sleep through thunder storms.

I went to the Y this a.m. and then to pay taxes and to the grocery store. Margie, Max, and Beth are coming for burgers tonight. I have had my nap and now should start something for dinner.

Lesley and kids were here this morning. We were trying to find a time for them to sleep over, but everyone is so busy....us included...maybe Sun. night.

It is still hot and humid and not much sunshine. My knee seems a little better....but have been taking a lot of aleve. Maggie comes tomorrow to move her things to the garage.

Beth leaves for AZ tomorrow and Joe will be here on Labor day.

I better get busy......

Since the computer crashed, I did not get to write about my tragedy with my tooth!!! OMG!!!
It was terrible.....I will write later.


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